🖤/❤️ Hortensia X F!Reader [ Missing You.. ]

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Sequel of How Could You.. same plot, but today, Hortensia started thinking about Y/N.

[ Y/N'S POV ]

The bell had rang a few minutes ago, until I was grabbed over, and thrown onto a wall. I opened my eyes, and it was...




Miss Trunchbull.

I had panicked, starting to sweat. "Ms. L/N. We're you the one who had done this to my statue?" I was shaking, breathing heavily, and just nodded, due to how stressful the day had been. "Oh, so you admit?" I shakily said yes. She looked at me, suspicious. "Hmph. Well then, off to Chokey you go!" She grabbed my by my collar of my blazer, and dragged me away.


I stared blankly, watching Miss Trunchbull dragging Y/N to Chokey, after listening to what I had planned. I stood there, shocked. She had admitted to doing it..? I continued walking home, wondering why she had admitted to throwing paint all over the statue. I then remembered that I had struck her for cheating on me. I then realized that Y/N was always a very kind-hearted girlfriend to me, and wouldn't possibly try to cheat on me. She had always told me that she loved me dearly. I looked at the hand I had hit her with, and just stood there, regretting my actions. The prefects were lying. She had never cheated on me in the first place. And I had hit her out of anger, despite all of it being a false rumor. I was on the verge of tears, falling to my knees, understanding my wrong doings. I just sat there and cried for a while, until I soon had enough energy and will to stand and continue going home. I'm sorry, my love, for I had done something to you for something you had never done. I hope that she'll understand it was a mistake...

Author's Note: Alrighty! That was fun to write. Also, the stories I'll probably write is short-ish. I love how all of you guys were crying in the comments about not wanting them to break up, lol. Aaaanyways, time to do a part threeeeee! Solar out!

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