"Pink?" she remarked with a friendly smile, attempting to strike up a conversation with him, "That's quite flashy! I didn't expect..."

"Yeah," Kuroo laid a stack of bills on the counter once the cashier took the security tag off, almost pulling the woman along himself. With long and purposeful strides, he vanished into the quiet hallways of the mall, leaving the cashier staring in confusion at the whole scenario, her hand still mid-air where just moments ago she had held the balaclava.

"Give me a goal!"

Your breath was already heavy from the running you had done around the garden, attempting to catch up with little Kiyoshi as he effortlessly dribbled the soccer ball between his feet. His black hair danced in the chilly breeze, a few stray strands clinging to his forehead from the sweat of all the physical exertion.

"(Y/n), you're terrible!" he teased as he scored once more, the ball slipping through your legs and finding its way into the net.

You chuckled breathlessly, allowing fatigue to pull you down onto the grass, its prickly blades against your back. "Impressive," you remarked, now lying flat on the ground, "you're gonna beat everyone's ass."

"I know," your younger brother beamed with pride, sitting down beside you and offering his water bottle. "But you suck, that's why it was so easy for me to score."

With your eyes closed, you nodded and took deep gulps of water until the bottle was empty. "Still, I'm sure that Kaori won't be able to resist you. She's gonna think about how her husband is going to be a famous soccer player."

Kiyoshi pondered this for a moment, a small, toothless smile gracing his lips. "We'll live in a villa! And if we have a baby girl, I'll name her (Y/n). Only if it's a girl, though."

"Aw," you playfully ruffled his damp hair, attempting to plant a kiss on his soft cheek but barely grazing it. "What if it's a boy?"

Kiyoshi thought it over, his face wearing a serious expression.

"Tooru," he declared, nodding to himself. "I like Tooru. I want my son to be just like Oikawa."

"Wow, setting the bar high there."

Your brother chuckled. "But Oikawa is awesome! He buys me ice cream and teaches me so many things! Are you going to marry him or Iwachan?"

"What?" Your cheeks flushed slightly, just enough to be noticed. "They're my friends!"

"Sure, whatever you say, boss. But it's pretty obvious that you like Iwa. He's fun, but not as much as Oikawa. I think you should marry Oikawa. Maybe then my kids will look more like him!"

You gazed at your brother in amazement, appreciating his perceptiveness and awareness of the world around him. Taking advantage of his wisdom, you asked, "So... do you think Iwa likes me back?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask him?" Your brother nonchalantly shrugged, clearly teasing you. He couldn't help but chuckle, and you soon realized he was just messing with you.

"You brat-" You reached out to tickle him, but he had already darted away, leaving you like a fool in the prickly grass.

Kiyoshi stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry, and yelled, "Catch me if you can!" as he sprinted into the house.

The bathroom was filled with the soothing scent of cocoa from the shower gel you had used, blending with the fruity aroma of your shampoo as you dried your hair with a soft towel. Droplets of water clung to your damp hair as you padded into your room, your footsteps muted by the carpeted floor. There, on the edge of your neatly made bed, you settled into the familiar embrace of your old school's volleyball team sweater, which you had worn with pride as the manager of the Aoba Johsai team. The fabric carried the memories of your time there, and it offered a comforting cocoon of nostalgia.

breaking and entering (yandere! Kuroo x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now