Chapter 6 Sheldon's past

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*NOTE TO ALL READERS - this chapter Sheldon's past takes place several years behind starting with the time Sheldon was born*

Peter was born to a single mother, who while at the time of giving Peter birth lost her life.
growing up at a local orphanage, Peter was a sharp kid who didn't use to mess around with people. He used to be the quiet kid that no one ever really wanted to talk to, except for one person in the room Milov. Milov used to be the only kid he would talk to and hang around with.
Milov was a year younger than Peter

At the age of 15 Sheldon and Milov escaped the orphanage to start a life of their own.

They met paths with a guy, Harry Sheldon, who found a great interest in Peter, Harry was a mafia boss in his 60s. He saw true potential in Peter and hence decided to train him to join his mafia.
His right-arm person, Jake kobe also in his 60s took care of Milov and trained him to join their mafia Roar.

as orphans, Peter and Milov didn't have any surnames,
By the command of their masters and their own will, they took the surnames of their masters,
Now, Peter Sheldon and Milov Kobe

A few years later,
Peter who's 22 now, over the death of his former master Harry, is being handed Roar in his own hands
Peter was now the chief of Roar

At the age of 29, Peter was caught up and surrounded by 200 men from an opposing gang. which he sole-handily defeated and escaped back to a safe camp.
At the age of 31, Peter sacrificed himself to cops to let his 500 men escape away
He stayed in jail for about a year, 

At the age of 32, he really liked a girl whom he wanted to be his girlfriend, being a tall lean handsome guy, it wasn't really a problem for him to get her.

He won some famous battles with his experience and wicked mind.
His IQ and wicked mind led to his nickname around the place as "The Manipulator"

He follows one path in his life "A man must not live in the past, and must continue to live in the future with no regrets."

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