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A L E X I S _ P A R R I S H

"A VERY GOOD morning to you LA, the time is 6:30 on this sunny Monday morning with temperatures expected to rise later on.. " the news reporter's voice sounds throughout my apartment.

I force my eyes open, immediately squinting at the bright light shining through my already opened curtains. The view from my bed is spectacular, the tall rise buildings, covered with the hot rays of the sun. The blue sky is clear of any clouds.

I groan, shifting onto my side to see the LED lettering on my bedside alarm. It is indeed 6:30 am. Exactly 60 minutes after my alarm clock has gone off. I hit the snooze button one too many times this morning.

"Rise and shine mi amor, you’re gonna be late for work" my mother barges into my room dressed in her usual black silk pj set and her hair up in a bun. The white clay mask that covers her face doesn’t shock me one bit.

“I’ll be up in a minute” I groan closing my eyes once again for a tiny bit of rest. Yesterday’s shift was a long and brutal one.

“Don’t be lazy, when the sun rises, you’re up. Mi amor how do you expect to be a wife if you can’t even wake up at this hour?” my mom ridicules as she makes her way over to my windows and open them, letting in some fresh air.

The fact that I’m only 23 and been hearing about marriage since I’ve turned 20, is concerning.

“Ma…” I groan once more, annoyed at the sudden disturbance and the continuous mention of marriage.

“Okay okay, I’ll make us some coffee, brush your teeth and take a shower” she instructs sweetly, her accent thick as she speaks.
Without a word, she saunters out of my room, humming to a tune I’m unfamiliar with. I sigh, forcing my limbs to move and get out of bed.

I slowly pad across the hardwood floor into my bathroom. I rub my eyes, tired as I turn on the shower and continue to my morning routine.

“Can you drive me to work please? I don’t feel like driving today” I ask once I’m seated at the breakfast bar. My mom moves around in the kitchen, from cabinet to cabinet searching for something.

“Si, I have to run errands today, I need to use your car” she says putting on her glasses, her face now clear of the mask. Her tanned skin is void of wrinkles and more firm than mine. She stopped aging after she turned 40 and therefore I no longer question her extensive skin care routines.

“Matteo didn’t fix your car yet?” I question, confused as I sip on my freshly brewed coffee. The aroma invades my nose in the most delicious way.

“Nooo.. his too busy with his new job and his new life.. He doesn’t have no time for his own mother” my mom rolls her eyes.

My brother recently got a new job and now works for a car dealership, down town. He runs their financial department.

“Ma, I’m sure if you call him, he’ll get it done” I advise but knowing her, she’ll rather suffer than ask for help twice.

“It’s fine mi vida, I’ll figure it out, eat your breakfast” she pushes a breakfast burrito in front of me and then heads on to fill up the dishwasher.

The cleaning never stops when Helena Parrish is in the room.

“You going home tonight?” I question while chewing watching as my mom grimace in response.

“You chasing me away? Aiii my own children don’t want me in their lives anymore.. Mira chew with your mouth closed, I didn't raise an animal” my ma exclaims frowning as she does so. I cover my mouth resisting the urge to laugh at her dramatics and decide to swallow the contents in my mouth.

“That’s not what I meant, I don’t like when you’re alone at night-“

Mira I’m a grown woman, I’ve been taking care of myself since before your birth… you think I can’t handle myself?” she asks offended at my concern.

I sigh, eating my burrito that she so lovingly made and wash it down with the rest of my coffee. As soon as the plate is empty she grabs the dirty dish and proceeds to wash them by hand while I get dressed for work.

I tie my hair up into a neat, tight ponytail and decide to do some light make up down in the car. I check the time to see that I have 15 minutes before my shift. I grab my phone and my car keys and walk back out into the open planned setting consisting of the kitchen and living room.

“I’m ready” I state turning off the TV and my mother gets up from her seat behind the breakfast bar. Once we’re out the door, I lock up and we make our way to the car downstairs.

Since I live about 20 minutes away from the firehouse, traffic isn’t as bad for me. Being an LA native makes it much more easier to drive since I know every short cut there is to know.

Seated in the car, I get my make up bag that I keep in the car for just in case. I apply some light concealer to my face to cover my dark circles and then some mascara to my eyelashes.

“mama you look a bit orange” my mom says from the driver’s seat.

“ma I’m not done yet, eyes on the road please” I say looking up at the mirror in the visor. I grab the sponge and quickly blend the concealer in.

“I’m going to ask your hermano to come over for dinner soon” my mom informs as she switches lanes on the freeway.

Satisfied with my look, I return the contents back into the bag and carefully throw it to the back seat.

“That’s great ma, I’ll see if I can make it” I reply.

“Of course you’re gonna make it, it’s at your apartment” she clarifies and I can’t say I’m surprised.

“Maybe his little girlfriend can come too” my mom proceeds with a hint of irritation. Ma never took a liking to any of Matteo’s girlfriends and this new one? Rachel I think, mom hates her, says she’s too clingy and spends way too much time spending all Matteo’s hard earned money.

“Be nice ma, she’s very sweet” I let out a chuckle.

“Sweet enough for him to pay her bills? I don’t think so. I don’t like her.. she doesn’t even have a job” mom exclaims taking her hand off of the wheel for a second.

The firehouse comes in view up ahead as my mother continues to rant about Matteo’s life choices.

I’ve never been more happy to get out of the car.

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