Chapter 3

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A L E X I S _ P A R R I S H

IT'S 7 AM when I arrive home. After our last call Buckley surprised us all when he got rehired and asked if we wanted to celebrate. I asked if he could pick me up considering my mom is still using my car.

"Ma, I'm home" I exclaim into my apartment as I close the front door. The news channel blares loudly in the room as I place my keys down on the counter.

"Buenos diaz mi vida" my mom saunters into the room with her usual face mask and her hair up in a towel on her head.

"Buenos diaz mammie, you look happy" I chuckle taking in the bright smile on her face. I put my bag down near the couches.

"Of course, I get to see my son, my daughter is home safely... Everything is perfect..." my mom replies.

"That's great ma, how lovely to see you happy again" I giggle watching as she scoffs.

"When was I ever unhappy?" she asks going to the kitchen for her already filled wine glass.

"Ma, it's not even 10 am yet" I say watching as she sips on her glass. Her shoulders visibly relax, and she sighs, holding the glass of wine to her chest.

"Mira, it's 5 o clock somewhere, no?" she replies, and I just shake my head in response.

"Well, you have fun, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed" I say feeling the effects of my 24hour shift take its toll. I let out a yawn, covering my mouth as I walk further into the apartment.

"Okay mi amor... I'm leaving soon, okay?" she exclaims after me as I drag my feet across the floor, finally getting to my bedroom.

I plop down onto my made-up bed, thanks to my mom, and immediately feel my body relax and welcome the comfort of my mattress. Too tired to shower, I decide against it and let sleep take over me after getting comfortable.

4 hours later, I'm awoken by the ringing of my phone. Groggily, I search for my phone on the bedside table. Squinting at the bright screen I see that the caller ID flashes 'Buckley'.

"This better be good" I say, my voice hoarse and my throat is dry as I speak, irritated at the abrupt interruption. With the phone pressed to my ear, my other hand covers my eyes from the brightness of my room.

"Rise and shine Parrish, I'm outside your door" Buckley informs cheekily and I can hear the grin in his voice.

My body shoots up instantly and I feel myself getting dizzy in the process. My pulse races at the thought of my mom opening the door and embarrassing me. I place my hand on my forehead trying to get the world to stop spinning around me.

"Don't knock okay, I'll meet you downstairs" I whisper into the phone, now wide awake. Before he can even get a word out, I hang up the phone and quickly make my way to the bathroom, knocking my foot in the process.

"Crap" I hiss feeling the pain shoot through my toe. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face, still reeling from the pounding in my toe. I decide against doing my make up since time is against me.

I walk back into my bedroom and throw on the nearest blue jeans that has probably been gathering dust on my floor for the last 2 days. I then rummage through my drawers for my black tank top and leave my hair flowing down my back.

I hastily walk through the hall and into the living room, searching for my favorite pair of boots on the floor.

"Ma have you seen my boots?" I yell not knowing her exact location in the apartment.

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