Awkward Hello's

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Background Story

Jungkook and Y/n have known each other since middle school. They didn't talk much when they were pre-teens but started to talk more to each other in high school since they had classes with each other.

They first met at Yoongi's birthday party, Y/n being Yoongi's cousin and all. So that's how they knew each other since middle school.

In high school, they talked here and there but found that they talked a lot more with each other on the phone. This bugged y/n because she knows him in person so why not talk in person? However, she never brought this up to him as she didn't want to seem pushy.

Still, it felt like he never made an effort to talk to her in person. It was like he was ashamed to be seen with her. To admit y/n wasn't the popular type, which is way different from Jungkook. Him being an internet sensation and all. Y/n didn't want that to get in the way of their friendship, plus it was a minor issue. Besides that, it was as if they've known each other since they were born.

As cringy as it may sound, they did everything together.. on call.

High School POV

"Jungkook just passed by," Sammie pointed out the obvious.

"I know," Y/n said in a monotone voice.

She badly wanted to say Hi to him but he was with her.

"Is it because he was with Hana?" Mae asked clearly knowing the answer to the question.

The thing is, Y/n doesn't hate Hana. She is envious. She envies how she is able to be seen in public with Jungkook and how they seem to have such a good bond. Y/n knows her friendship with Jungkook is no less good but she just doesn't get why they can't talk to each other in public.

Every time she tries to say hi to him he always gives that same neutral smile that she is getting really tired of. She has tried a lot to talk to him she walked around school during class time just to be able to talk to him face to face and she even bought his favorite drink just so she can meet up with him. Some would call this desperate and there is no denying that she is. It all goes back to the same nagging question in her head.

'Is he just ashamed to be seen with me?'

The same question that often gets Y/n questioning if their friendship was even worth keeping up.

"Earth to Y/n," Mae waves her hand in front of Y/n's face to try and get her attention.

"I'm sorry, what is it?"

"Your lunch," Sammie once again points out the obvious.

"Oh right," Y/n takes a tray and walks to an open seat.

And how convenient that the only open table is next to his table. All of Y/n's plans of avoiding him are suddenly crushed.

"Want to eat outside today guys?" Y/n asks her friends in hopes they say yes.

"Y/n if you can't see through the ceiling-high glass windows, it's pouring rain outside." Sammie is on a roll with pointing out the obvious today.

Y/n sucks it up and stops at the empty table, catching his attention.

As Y/n sits down their eyes meet and he once again, gives her the same smile. This time Y/n matches his energy and gives him the same smile back and turns straight away to her food.

Jungkook's POV

I see Y/n and give her a smile. I'm not the confrontational type of guy so I don't usually say Hi when I see her. But she does. However, this time she just gave me a smile.

'That was weird she usually gives me a wave or even says hi,' I thought to myself.

"Jungkook are you listening to me," Hana catches his attention again.

"Oh yeah sorry, you were talking about..." I pause not knowing what the hell she was actually talking about.

"Omg Jungkook, are you seriously thinking about her again," Hana says in sort of an annoyed tone.

"No, I'm not," I say, looking down at my food.

"I'm telling you Jungkook, if you want to talk to her just do it," Hana says.

"It's not that easy Hana," I say back to her.

"You're only pushing her away Jungkook. And who knows maybe she feels the same way as you." Hana retorts back to him.

"Yeah right, as if she'd want to be seen with me."

"Are you serious right now," Hana says getting even more annoyed at the giant man-baby sitting in front of her.

"What, I'm just saying. What if she doesn't want to be seen with me since I'm too popular."

"Okay, you sound really shallow right now," Hana points out.

"You know what I meant, Hana," I say not in the mood to even try to explain myself.

"Okay Okay, let's just eat our food," Hana says knowing there's no point in arguing.

Y/n's POV

"So when are you going to tell him?" Mae asks.

"Tell him what?" I ask her

"Tell him how you feel dumbass," Sammie budges in.

"Why should I, it's not that serious," I say wanting this conversation to be over.

"I thought we were all about communication? What happened Y/n?" Mae fires back.

"Okay, I get it. I should tell him how I feel about our friendship. I just don't want to make myself seem pushy, you know?" I explained to them.

"I'm sure Jungkook would understand you, you guys haven't had any problems so far," Sammie says with a mouth full of fries.

"That's the point, we haven't had any problems yet and I don't want to be the first to cause one with this situation,"

"Well hon, if he is truly a friend, he would hear you out on this," Mae says before popping a piece of kimchi in her mouth

"Let's not let this conversation spoil our lunch guys," Sammie says, just wanting to eat her food.

"You're right. Let's put this situation aside and talk about something else." Mae says agreeing with Sammie.

"What are your plans this weekend? Do you guys want to go out?" I ask them wanting to go out to clear my mind.

They both agree to go out this weekend and we made plans to go to the beach and have a friend picnic.

End of High School POV

After that their lives just went on the same as it was before. Y/n and Jungkook are always on call but still never ask the lingering question they both have. By the time senior year was coming to an end, what they both feared came true.

They started to lose their connection, with Jungkooks rising popularity and Y/n's thirst for academic validation. Their lives started to get busier and busier to the point they don't have time to call each other anymore.

It hurt Y/n as she feard this the most.

The thing is, Y/n started developing feelings for Jungkook. However, she didn't want to confess, for fear it would ruin their friendship. Well, come to her surprise that something completely different causes their parting.

There comes nights when she wants to text him but she refrains from doing so as she thinks he doesn't want to talk to her. At the same time, Jungkook is fighting the same battle she is going through.

How such problems can occur from miscommunication.

As they move on to college they completely lose contact with each other. They do go to the same college however, every time they pass each other in the halls they act as if they were

strangers again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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