Take 2 of High School Life

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You walked through the front gates of your new high school, thinking about the words your caretaker said to you, "Come on now, you can't stay in my house forever now can you? If you want your life to change, you could start at this school, ok?"

You sighed as you looked at the name of this school, Teyvat High. "I guess school was one of the places I was safe." 

After walking into the principal's office, the principal welcomed you into the school. Although you weren't arriving at the start of the day, the principal assured you you were fine and offered to have a student assigned to show you around. "Th- thank you, that would b- be very h- helpful," you stuttered.

You walked out of the office thinking about your stutter, you've been like this ever since that day. You wished it would just go away.

After a while, a tall grey-haired guy approached you. "Hey," he said, "I was assigned to show the place to a new student. Don't suppose you'd be them?" "Y- yes, I am." "Very well, I'm Alhaitham," he extended his hand. You shook it hesitantly, "Y/N, nice t- to meet you." "I'll show you around, follow me," he stated.

You quietly followed him as he introduced the various parts of the school. During recess, you two were at the cafeteria so you grabbed a bite and then sat down. "Don't you have other f- friends? W- why sit with me?" you asked. "Well, I'm not exactly fond of having 'friends'. I am the top student after all, most of them would just use me for homework." he replied calmly. 

Throughout the day, you noticed him not being expressive at all. He would react the slightest amount to anything. In the locker room, people were whispering rumors about him yet he would keep the same expressionless face.

"Do you mind if I asked a question?" he asked. "Sure." "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Where did you get so many bruises and scars?" 

You held back tears when he asked. Everything that happened came flooding back, everything she did. "C- c- can I- no-" you gripped your arm tighter. Noticing this, he put his hand on yours, "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, I understand." "T- Thank you..." you said as you looked away.

~Bell Rings~

"That's the bell. Come, I'll send you to class," he offered, "What class are you in?" You grabbed your timetable out, "Class... 2F." "How ironic," he muttered. 

At your class' door, you could see the students all staring at you, more so toward Alhaitham. "I g- guess this is g- goodbye?" "Yeah, here's my phone number in case you need anything. Bye for now." "B- bye."

You walked into your class and gave an introduction in front of the class when you came to a realization...

"Did he...

give me his phone number?"



No way, couldn't tell that Alhaitham was in this book. Also, the class system I'm picturing is like A, B, C, D, E, F. So 6 classes, A being the best and F being the worse, etc. Anyways y'all already read 500+ words already so I'll stop now. Byeeeeeeeee

Days and Nights for You | Alhaitham x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt