Welcome Wagon

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Chapter one: Welcome Wagon

[Y/N]'S POV:

My heart was pounding. Adrenaline rushing through my veins. Breathing heavy. Vision becoming blurred. The symptoms of my panic attack becoming worse as I got off of the plane, following the crowd to where I could find all my luggage.

It was official now. I'm living in London for I don't even know how long. There was no turning back now–no changing my mind. Which I suppose is for the best, after all, America was becoming more dangerous for myself and everyone close to me with each passing second I stayed there. London was safer, not only for me, but for my parents' peace of mind.

'My parents.' I sighed thinking of them, waiting for my bags to come into view. 'The last thing I heard about them was that they had gone missing. I hope they're doing okay. I can't wait to see them again. Even if I thought I hated them sometimes, they are still my parents. I didn't realize how much I would miss them.' I finished up my thoughts as my bags came into sight, deciding that for the moment I should just stay focused on finding my godfather, Severus Snape.

I've done some light digging on the man before arriving here. I mean, there's absolutely no way I was going to willingly live with some random old guy I've never met before without at least knowing a bit about his background. Apparently he had gone to Hogwarts all seven years and is now a professor there. He teaches potions but has applied to be the defense against the dark arts teacher but never got the job if I remember correctly. 'He's bound to be an interesting man.' I though, getting into a taxi after putting my belongings in the truck of the vehicle.

"Where to?" the driver asked me, locking eyes with my own through the mirror.

"Uh, Kings Cross train station? Please?" I asked politely, hoping I remembered the name of the place I was supposed to meet Snape at correctly. The driver simply nodded his head in response and began driving in what I could only assume was the direction of the station. Why I was meeting my godfather at a train station, I had no idea. But I was more than willing to be accommodating for Severus, after all he is taking me in with very little notice. I wanted to be as little as a burden as possible to him, and if meeting him at a train station instead of being picked up at the airport meant that, then so be it.

Once the driver stopped outside of Kings Cross I got out and grabbed my bags out of the trunk, then walked over to the drivers door pulling out my wallet. His window was rolled down, his hairy arm reaching out to grab the money I owed him. He was about to speak, to let me know how much it was I owed him, but I was quick to cut him off.

"Here's twenty American dollars." I said speedily, shoving the money into his hand before running off into the train station as fast as I could. I could hear him yelling at me as I spirited away, weaving through crowds of people. I felt bad, giving him foreign money he likely couldn't do much with here, but it's not like I had much of a choice. U.S. dollars were all I had at the moment.

Eventually, I stopped running, dropping all of my bags as I heaved for air, feeling exhausted from running. Once I managed to catch my breath I took a look around. 'I need to find platform nine and three quarters.' I thought to myself, remembering that's where Snape was supposed to meet me. It didn't take long for me to find, in fact I managed to run right to it. 'Okay, next task: find Severus Snape even though I have no clue what he looks like.' This entire situation was becoming more and more stressful with each passing second.

"Miss. [l/n]." I jumped at the sudden sound of a waspish voice coming from behind me. I turned on my heels quickly and my eyes were met with a tall man, dressed in black robes. His hair was shoulder length and a very similar shade of black as his robes.

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