Investigating + After First Trial (THH x KH)

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Survivors Remaining:
- Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Swimming Pro
- Rantaro Amami, Ultimate Writing Prodigy
- Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Programmer
- Maki Harukawa, Ultimate Affluent Progeny
- Himiko Yumeno, Ultimate Lucky Student
- Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate ???

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Ding dong bing bong*

The screen shows Monokuma whos.. Upset for some reason..

"Hey you kids.. Come see me in the gym" Then he shows his angry face with his claws "IM PISSED OFF Y'KNOW?!! BETTER START MOVE YOUR ASS!!"

Everyone starts to sweatdrops not knowing whats up with Monokuma.. But Yumeno could tell that something might not right..


"AAAAAHHH!!!" Then Monokuma started to punch a doll looking fish with anger..

"Uhh.. Hes actually angry..." Chabashira sweatdrops

"No joke.." Amami agrees

"I told you im angry do i?!" Monokuma says, "One of you are dirty little thiefs!"

"Huh?" Saihara dumbfounded by what Monokuma meant. Or more like he didnt understand

"You guys.. Stole something important to me right?!--" He says before he got hit by a doll looking fish which he hit far "Woaahh!!"

Then he sobbed dramaticly (which Yumeno hold a snort) "A-As a Headmaster, i trusted you kids but instead you betrayed me!!"

Something important? What was it?

Yumeno doesnt care about Monokuma, but she can't help but curious about this 'something'

"What do you mean by 'something important'"?" Amami raise an eyebrow

Monokuma looks pissed as he shows his sharp claws "Don't play dumb! You even destroyed the security cameras!! Thats breaking the rules y'know?!"

Then he realized someone isnt there "Eh?! That guy isnt here?!" Hes even angrier

"Perhaps he was the one who stole it! Damn it," He growls "No! You guys are the one whos responsible!! I swear you kids are the worst!!"

Then he rolls and left..

"Um.. What was that all about?" Chabashira asked uncertainly

"Stealing something from Monokuma.. Perhaps Kokichi Ouma really likes to cause troubles behind the scenes.." Harukawa mused with her flat tone

Yumeno frowns as shes worried.. 'I wonder what Ouma-kun was planning..'

She already knew Ouma is mysterious. Someone who helps her from being accused as the murder at the first trial.. Someone who helped the investigations..


When Yumeno now left the gym, she went to her room and hid the knife on her shelf next to her bed.

She leaned to her chair and sighed. Today's pretty confusing..

I wonder who he is...

*ding dong*

Yumeno taken back by a door ring. Hinting someone hit her doorbell. She stands up from her chair and opens the door.

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