"Well, before that we both had gotten our happy endings." Kathryn said.

"Indeed." David said before turning to Midas. "I would like to apologize for the part I played in with George's ruse."

"It's quite alright." Midas said. "From your explanation, it seems you didn't have much choice in the matter."

"Well, thank you for allowing me to join you guys for lunch, but if you excuse me, I'm going to the hospital." David said.

"Is everything alright?" Kathryn asked.

"The other day when everyone wanted to leave and everyone was at the town." David started. "Summer accidentally crossed and fainted. So, she's in the hospital unconscious, with no way for me to wake her."

"What about true love's kiss?" Fredrick asked. "I mean, I know she's your daughter, but it would work the same way right?"

"I tried that." David said. "It didn't work."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." Kathryn said.

"I know I will." David said as he stood up. "I'll see you guys around." He headed out to his car and climbed.

As David walked into the hospital, he saw Christopher coming out of Summer's room. It didn't look like he had noticed him, so David didn't say anything to him. He walked into Summer's room.

"Hi sweetheart." David greeted his daughter with a kiss on the forehead. He sat in a chair. "I miss you so much, baby." He said, stroking her face. "I promise I'll find a way to wake you up."

Although, David wasn't sure how to wake her up. True love's kiss didn't work. His next plan was to see if the Blue Fairy could help.

All of a sudden, David saw Summer's eyes fluttering open. "Summer?" He said. "Sweetheart, can you hear me?"

A nurse noticed and then Dr. Whale came in. "She's waking up?" He asked.

"I think so." David said. "Summer."

"Who's Summer?" Summer asked, finally saying something.

David sighed, partly in relief that his daughter was awake and partly in frustration because her real memories were gone.

"Taylor, I mean." He corrected.

"Who's Taylor?" Summer asked.

David sighed, again.

"Shouldn't she have her memories from the curse?" Victor asked.

"Regina's punishment for her was that she had her original memories during the curse." David explained. "She's basically like I was when I woke up. Only in her situation, she has no cursed memories to remember." Dr. Whale nodded.

"Why am I in a hospital?" Summer asked.

David was quiet for a moment. He couldn't exactly tell her that she fainted crossing a magical town line.

"You hit your head and passed out." He replied, coming up with an excuse. "But, you're ok now."

"Who are you?" Summer asked.

David hesitated again. He wasn't sure if he should tell her that he was her father.

"Someone that's been taking care of you." He answered. "You can call me David."

Summer just nodded. David could see how confused his daughter looked. He looked to Dr. Whale.

"Can you check her out to make she's ok physically?" He asked. "Please."

"Sure." Victor said. He examined Summer. "Physically, she's fine." Victor said, once he finished.

"So, I can take her home?" David asked.

"I don't see why not." Victor said.

"Thank you for allowing her stay here, even though there wasn't anything really wrong with her." David said.

"No problem." Victor said.

"Taylor." David said, using her cursed name. "I'm going to take you home with me. Alright?" David asked. Summer nodded and the two headed home.

AN: So, I have a a few ideas for Summer throughout the story and wanted people's opinions.

First, I was kind of going to go with the idea of Emma being a little wary of Summer at first. Like she feels a little awkward that she has an older younger stepsister. Was thinking that maybe Emma could save Summer from something dangerous and warms up to her. An idea I already had was maybe Summer gets sucked in back in time with Emma and Hook in Season 3. Summer ends up in danger and Emma saves her.

Second, I was thinking of having Summer and David going on an adventure together. With this one, I was thinking maybe this one could while they're in Camelot when David and Arthur go to find that toadstool in Season 5.

Third, was thinking that Summer and maybe Christopher could go on an advent together. This one, I was thinking maybe they could go with Henry and Violet to destroy magic.

These are just some of my own ideas I had, I would love to hear others opinions on what kind of adventures they could be, when they're from the show or something original. And when during the series could they happen. Would love to hear feedback. Thanks.

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