Chapter 19

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David woke up and made breakfast for Henry and himself.

"Morning." Henry greeted.

"Morning bud." David said. "Breakfast is ready."

Henry sat down to eat. "Do you hear something?" He asked.

The two were quiet for a moment and they heard whimpering. It was coming from upstairs, where Summer usually slept, and David noticed that Bailey wasn't anywhere.

"I think someone is missing Summer." David said before heading upstairs. He saw Bailey lying on Summer's bed, whimpering. "I know you miss her, boy." David said, petting the dog. "She'll be home soon."

The dog whimpered again.

"Hungry?" David asked. Bailey perked up and bounded down the stairs. David filled Bailey's food and water bowl.

David and Henry ate breakfast. When they finished, Henry grabbed his backpack and David grabbed Bailey's leash.

"Come on, boy." David said. "I'll take you for a walk."

Bailey barked at the mention of a walk. They headed to the bus stop to drop off Henry. Then, David walked towards the hospital. Fortunately, Summer's room was on the first floor. So, Bailey would be able to see Summer through the window. Bailey started barking and jumping at the window. David patted the dog.

"She'll be home soon, buddy." He said. David took Bailey back to the loft and went to the sheriff's station.

Later that day, David made his way to the hospital. He sat in a chair, stroking his daughter's hair. He started thinking about when she was a little girl. She would run around the farm all the time. Or he would run around with her on his shoulders. David could hear her giggling and laughing in his head. He smiled to himself at the memory. He saw Dr. Whale near the room.

"Sorry, just visiting Summer." David said.

"It's fine." Victor said.

"I guess now I get an idea of what Summer dealt with during the curse." David said.

"More than once, I had caught her in your room after visiting hours." Victor said.

David chuckled.

"If you don't mind me asking, but what happened?" Victor asked.

"How did I end up in a coma?" David questioned.

"Yes." Victor replied.

"I was stabbed by one of Regina's guards just before the curse brought us here." David explained. "I guess, in a way, Regina really did save my life because without the curse, I probably would have died."

Victor nodded. "I have to admit, I was quite impressed with how great of a volunteer Taylor was as a high schooler." Victor said. "I was disappointed to hear that she left."

David couldn't help smiling at the compliment his daughter got. "That was my fault." He said. "She volunteered so she could see me and when I left and worked at the animal shelter, she started working there to be closer to me."

"That makes sense." Victor said.

"If you don't mind me asking." David started. "What land are you from?"

"I'm sorry?" Victor asked.

"The other day you said you weren't from our land." David said.

"So, where are you from?"

"I'm from the Land without Color." Victor answered.

"The Land without Color?" David questioned.

Victor sighed. "You have fake memories of reading "Frankenstein", right?" He asked.

"Yeah." David said.

"Well, that's me." Victor said. "Dr. Frankenstein."

"But, if you're not even from our land." David started. "What made Regina bring you here?" "I've done some things I'm not exactly proud of." Victor started.

David raised an eyebrow.

"Rumplestiltskin heard about the work that I do and was offering to pay me a lot of gold. Until then, my work had been experimental. I started taking more risks with my work when he offered me the gold, which resulted in my brother's death." Victor explained. "I tried to bring him back to life and it didn't work. His heart wasn't able to withstand the procedure. Rumplestiltskin told me about the hearts that were in your land and he said he would give me one if I made it look like I couldn't revive Regina's love."

"Would it have worked?" David questioned.

"It would have. When I returned back to my land, I was able to revive my brother with one of the hearts Rumplestiltskin gave me." Victor answered. "But, he wasn't the same person he was from before he died. As much as I don't want to admit it, he was a monster."

"So, when you were asking if all the lands still existed." Davis started.

"I want to return back to my land. I need to fix my mistakes and try to get my brother back to who he was."

David wasn't really sure what to say. Fortunately, they were interrupted by his phone going off.

"Everything alright?" Victor asked, once David was off the phone.

"Yeah, I'm just needed at the mines." David said. He looked down at Summer. "I'll come visit you again soon, sweetheart." He kissed her on the forehead and rushed out of the room.

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