This is Your Captain Joining

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'Top Leaders'
Kim Namjoon, Park Jihyo, Kim Minji, and (2) Others

Park Jihyo added Saerom to the group

Park Jihyo: welcome!

Saerom: hi! Also, what is this?

Solar: a leaders group chat. We're getting as many Kpop leaders to join in and just have fun.

Saerom: that's pretty cool! But do I count as one?

Kim Minji: wdym? Aren't you the leader of Fromis9?

Saerom: well....... I'm mostly refered to as 'captain'....

Kim Namjoon: of course! Not big of a difference in title. If you lead your team well, you're a leader either way.

Saerom: in that case, thanks for inviting me here!

Park Jihyo: that's pretty unique for your team having a captain role

Saerom: I thought so too when I was chosen.

Solar: hang on..... Isn't there a captain in Ateez too?

Kim Minji: oh! I think there is!

Irene: I believe Hongjoong is their captain. Goes with their groups pirate concept.

Saerom: oooooo! That's a nice concept

Solar: ^^

Park Jihyo: ^^

Kim Minji: does anyone have their number or something? So we can invite him here?

Irene: I don't unfortunately

Kim Namjoon: me neither

Saerom: nope

Park Jihyo: zero

Solar: I don't have any of theirs either...

Kim Minji: oh booo

Park Jihyo: wait, doesn't your group get invited to their radio show or something?

Kim Minji: yes? A couple times now

Park Jihyo: you never thought of asking for their numbers?

Kim Minji: that's kinda the last thing we would do. We're just focused on having a fun time.

Kim Minji: also if that breaks out, I don't think Dispatch would be fair for either parties. We somehow managed to make it this far without rumors

Park Jihyo: that's pretty impressive ngl

Kim Namjoon: hang on, I just thought of something.

Kim Namjoon: Jihyo, your group is close with Stray Kids, right?

Park Jihyo: ......

Park Jihyo: they're our juniors...... Of course they would be.

Kim Namjoon: weren't they on that one show with Ateez a while ago?

Park Jihyo: you mean Kingdom? Yeah, they were. What's your point?

Kim Namjoon: well, they for sure would've gotten their numbers and the other groups at some point.

Park Jihyo: oh! How did I forget that?! Lemme message Bang-Chan real quick!

Irene: Bang-Chan is Stray Kids' leader, right? So might as well invite him along here while we're at it.

Solar: oh thats right!

Saerom: this is pretty exciting! Leaders of different groups in one place! Lots of advice to get and give.

Kim Minji: Now I know how Gahyeon feels in the 'Maknae' group chat. Lol

Saerom: there's a maknaes chat too?

Kim Minji: mhmm

Saerom: I wonder if Jiheon was invited.... Then again, she would've told us by now

Kim Minji: tbh, Gahyeon joined pretty late since they weren't as active for a while. But I can suggest it to Gahyeon and have her ask the group chat.

Saerom: that would be nice, thank you!

Saerom: it'll be sweet for Jiheon to make friends with the other Maknaes. She's growing up so fast

Kim Minji: I feel ya on that haha

Irene: same

K-Pop Leaders Group Chat: A 'Maknaes on Top' Spin-OffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora