part 6

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lucifer just snarled more knowing that Alastor had someone he trusted with his killing secret " why" Alastor questioned him.

"oh... no reason what so ever" lucifer said watching husk intently as he came back from the kitchen area.


husk walked up close behind. He felt the glaring stares coming from lucifers evil murderous intent or well that's how it felt to husk. "so alastor any injury's" husk questioned "no non at all i haven't seen that idiot vox or that porn obsessive ass hole for a while figured they left new Orleans and died but sadly I wasn't all that lucky. " alastor rolled his eyes "how so" husk placed his hand on alastors shoulder. "the paper had came in and vox is in new York for a work project and Valentino is in prison. again for the 100th time in the last 4 months. " alastor sassed "he'll most likely be out of prison again in a few days" alastor just mocked intensely in a unamused smiled tone before removing husks hand from his shoulder. "I'm waiting for both of them to dop dead" alastor smirked fiddling with the knife that rested on the table cutting his finger on the blade and licked his index finger freeing it from the dripped blood.

lucifer smelt the blood as he trailed his glare from husk to alastor's bleeding finger. husk then grabbed alastors hand which caused both the red head and the blond demon to look at him "right when i asked if you had any injury's" 'oh calm yourself this is nothing compared to a gun shot to the shoulder" alastor laughed. husk just glared shaking his head at the younger redish brown haird male before flicking him "your a pain alastor" he said in his low growled tone that only made alastor to laugh just a little bit more "and your a grumpy man who sounds like a growling kitten". lucifer kept his glare on husk clearly not enjoying there calm teasing batters. jealousy in his former angelic face clearly visible to husk but alastor being blind to love he never noticed the look at all.

after a while and the meals were being finished alastor soon stood collecting the finished plates and took them to the kitchen to clean them humming as he did so. once he was gone both husk and our dear blonde hellish king stared at each other husk now returning the evil glaring looks to his highness "i don't know what your deal is with alastor but i suggest staying away, you have no idea what your getting into" husk mocked, lucifer just chuckled "and you clearly dont know what your getting into by talking to me" he gave as sassy smirk and eyed him "alastor shall be mine young man" "young man? u look younger then me" husk retorted with the same amount of sass "oh thats because im what mortals call the "devil" you know that little bad thought that goes in your head when your given two choices ya." lucifer nodded a full on sassy manner going on with his tone "no idea baby boy, no idea". husks eye twitched in irritation before alastor walked in stopping him with his next fowl words. "wow the energy in her feels think almost as think as slicing flesh with a dull knife" alastor chuckled "are you both all right" he looked at them.

both husk and lucifer gave one final look at each other before smiling and giving a "ya nothings the matter were doing fine!~" as alastor just gave them a odd 'ok' look.

~authors note~

hay everyone! its been awhile i know. just a lot of stuff has been happening as of recently that's why this chapter was delayed, short and possible makes little to no sense at all. this book will be slow as of right now. my schedule is strange as of right now and when i first had this chapter started to be written my cousin had committed suicide so i was going through a death. and as of recent events my uncle is living with me for the time being due to his medical problems and how he's supposably going to pass soon due to kidneys failing and gangrene. but i promise ill update this as soon as im able to. i also have a few other books i am working on that haven't been posted yet so i do have other projects i am working on, other then this one. hazbin hotel is one that i do enjoy but as of now i am not completely into it but that's because it hasn't been updated to much besides the spoilers. but i will try to update this when i get the time or the inspo for this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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