part 4

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(Author- I'm so glad your enjoying the book but don't worry I will update soon as much as I can this book was also one of my favorites on making so don't worry there we'll be more parts)

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(Author- I'm so glad your enjoying the book but don't worry I will update soon as much as I can this book was also one of my favorites on making so don't worry there we'll be more parts)

warning! this chapter does contain blood mentioning, stabbing, kissing and horny demon/humans. so be warned you may skip this chapter if wished but so you know u may miss parts of the story. i hope you enjoy anyways for those who stuck around to read. is some of mentions in this book that make you uncomfortable I remind you these characters belong to a hellish statement and, Alastor is a cannable he wont hesitate to eat you.

~previously on  the summoning~

"ah i see ~ the Greek meaning for evil deeds and familiar bloodshed how cute and how expected from a man who kills for fun~" lucifer said nuzzling the male. "you may call me luci its short for lucifer" lucifer said 

"ya whatever apple man" Alastor said catching the king off guard with his apple man only to smirk more "oh~ this shall be fun little doe~" 


~Alastor's pov~

its been a few hours sense the introductions of this demonic man. And he hasn't done much while I watched him closely. every once in a while ill glance at him and see him messing with one of my knifes or guns but every time I catch him at the corner of my eye he just smirks in my direction. As of now, I'm in the kitchen cooking which probably isn't a good idea knowing this man is a fallen angel, and the king of hell in my house holding one of my guns playing with a trigger. should I be concerned? no. why? because personally I don't care. just gives me more entertainment.

~lucifers pov~

I can tell that this mortal soul was watching me closely and intently as the radio in the room played. In all fairness its very beautiful to see this reddish brown haired male watch me with a interested intent. Sad to know he walked away no longer watching me fiddle with his guns triggers and running my fingers across the knifes blades cutting my fingers and staining my pale snow white skin with my crimson red blood. he brought his bloodied fingers and licked them smirking. "lets go take a peak at my cannable host" I said allowed but low enough so Alastor may not here me. walking down the halls to the kitchen I pushed the door open smirking at his back side facing the door as he hummed a song. I began to approach and slipped my arms around his waist "hello mor..~" 

~no ones pov~

Alastor was spooked eyes slightly widened from the un noticed foot steps that crept behind him. and pale sleeves and arms wrapping around his thin waist. Alastor flipped the knife in his hand swinging his hand back and stabbed lucifer. back still pressed against lucifer "hello mor...~" was all that was spoken  from lucifer. cut off from a blade going straight into his throat before Alastor turned his head seeing the pale male. lucifer coughed up some blood before laughing and removing the blood stained knife "my my your a jumpy one ain't u ~" he slammed the blade on the counter staining the vegetables with a splash of blood. lucifer spun Alastor around and pressed him against the counter "you thought stabbing me would work ~" lucifer laughed leaning to his face and laughed picking him up and sat him on the counter top next to the bloody knife" Alastor just tilts his head and smiled more and watched his neck bleed before looking to the knife "so demons can bleed" Alastor laughed licking his sharp canines. "the blood red look against your skin looks rather beautiful' Alastor had a wickedness cannibal hunger going through his body. lucifer being lucifer enjoyed his demented blood crave as he was yanked to the counter sitting male and got his neck licked all the way up to his jaw. a hunger craved moan escaped Alastor from the taste of blood running across his tounge. 

~lucifers pov~ 

Alastor's blood hungry moan was rather sexy as I felt his tounge run across my skin feeling myself wanting to moan to the sudden licking. I smirked and moaned a laugh " ah~ haha~ going to try and feast off me how cute~" I moaned again feeling his teeth bite at my skin before pulling away blood running down Alastor's lips "surprisingly yummy" Alastor said picking the knife up and licking the blade clean. I leaned to Alastor and licked the blood that stained him before the knife fell back onto the counter as I kissed him. blood and saliva mixing together. Alastor's hands going to my hair. hat falling off as he gripped my blond hair as the kiss was heated and passionate but blood filled. My hands sliding to his hips gripping at his waist, pressing up closer between his thighs. moving his hips towards my direction before Alastor pulled back slapping his and over my blood stained lips "carful now apple~" Alastor's face had blood smeared due to the saliva. "I have to cook~' he picked up a blood splattered carrot slice and ate it before pushing me away and got off the counter wiping his lip with his thumb and pointer finger and licked them clearly teasing me. "oh you cant just blue ball me~" I sassed "Oh? I don't know what u mean " he walked to the sink and started washing the knife. 

I smirked "oh ya~ this one will be fun~" 

~to be continued~

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