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"Everybody shut up, it's starting." Nick said, hurriedly shushing everyone as she reached for the radio perched on the table next to Eddie's bed, cranking the knob to turn up the volume.

"I, Chief Calvin Powell, am calling this press conference to order." The gruff voice sounded through the radio, and Lily instinctively reached for Eddie's hand, the boy gripping her fingers back tightly as they all waited with bated breath.

A thick silence resounded around the room as they waited for Powell's next words, Steve and Nick seated on the other side of Eddie's bed across from Lily, with Dustin, Robin, Sarah, and Debbie all piled onto a couch against the back wall. In the doorway, Wayne stood next to Hopper and Joyce, the former holding onto the door frame for dear life as he waited to hear the words of his nephew being set free.

"As of the past few days, the Roane County Sheriff's Department has become aware of new evidence in the case of a series of murders taking place throughout Hawkins." Powell's voice came through the device again, and Lily's breath caught in her throat as she continued to wait. Eddie himself looked pale, his eyebrows furrowed together as he anxiously stared at the radio, willing it to keep talking. "Due to this new evidence, I am hereby pronouncing our original suspect, Edward Munson, cleared of any and all charges."

The cheers were nearly deafening as Eddie was proclaimed a free man, and Lily watched as the boy's eyes instantly glassed up with tears, leaning forward as he wrapped his free arm around her, burying his face in her neck as they began to spill. After all of his fears the past weeks of ending up in jail just like his father, carrying on the Munson name the way he'd always been expected to, rather than the way Wayne had raised him to, he had finally made it out.

Lily pressed a kiss to the top of Eddie's head, rubbing his back softly as he continued to cry, and the cheers continued as they began to celebrate, the radio long forgotten as Powell's press conference continued. Wayne nearly crumpled with relief as he took a step forward, shakily reaching a hand out in Hopper's direction to shake as he patted the man on the back with his other hand.

"Thank you, Jim." Wayne said. "Thank you for everything."

"He's an innocent man." Hopper said, returning the handshake with a nod in Wayne's direction. "It's the least I could do."

Eddie sat up finally, reaching up to wipe his eyes, and a chuckle escaped as he looked around at his family and friends. "Shit, sorry," he said, trying to lighten the mood, unable to help the wide smile that finally crossed his face. "I, uh... I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for all of you, so I just want to say thanks."

Nick stood up then, reaching forward to pull her brother into a tight hug. Dustin instantly followed suit, nearly leaping off the couch to join them, and one by one, the others joined in a group hug with Eddie at the center. He was unable to keep the smile off his face as he looked around at all of them, even long after the hug ended when Powell showed up with Officers Daniels and Callahan, the handcuff keys nestled in the chief's hand.

"Good morning, everyone." Chief Powell said, looking around the room.

"Good morning," they chorused as he stepped closer to Eddie, holding up the keys.

"Mr. Munson, on behalf of the Hawkins Police Department, and the Roane County Sheriff's Office, I'd like to apologize for the circumstances." Powell said, reaching forward to unlock the handcuff around Eddie's wrist before unlocking the one around the edge of the bed. "You stay out of trouble now son, you hear me?"

"Yes, sir, Chief Powell." Eddie said dramatically, reaching up to send him a salute. "And you keep up the good work," he said as the officers left the room, the salute turning into only his middle finger once their backs were turned, causing Lily to chuckle slightly.

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