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"Come on, this way," Eddie said, leading the group through the alternate version of the Munsons' trailer and pushing open the door to his bedroom. "Jesus Chr..." he breathed, but his voice was soon cut off in a whimper as he stared at an identical version to the guitar he'd kept hanging on his bedroom mirror for the past four years.

Dustin began to chuckle as Eddie took a step closer to the guitar, his eyes never once wavering from the dark red instrument. Lily watched as he continued to advance towards the guitar, though his mesmerized movements were almost hesitant, as if he were afraid to touch it. After all, it was his prized possession back home, something even Lily had only been allowed near once or twice.

"It's like... she was destined for an alternate dimension." Eddie mused, reaching a hand out to lift it off of the stand holding it up. "What do you say, guys? Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Dustin asked, grinning.

"Duh," Nick said.

"You really had to ask?" Lily added, crossing her arms over her chest and giving the boy a knowing smile.

Eddie's smile grew as he lifted the guitar strap over his shoulder. "Let's do it," he smirked, tossing the guitar over his shoulder so the instrument hung behind him and moving back towards the front door of the trailer.

"Alright, final order of business." Nick said as they closed the trailer door behind them, now eyeing the ladder leading up to the roof where the amps and other equipment lay, waiting to be set up for the distraction performance. "Henderson, want to give me a hand?"

"You've got it," Dustin said, following her up the ladder and leaving Eddie and Lily alone on the ground.

"Think the sound will be enough to reach all the way to Creels'?" Eddie asked. "Or should we have gotten our hands on one more amp?"

"It'll be plenty." Lily assured him. "We don't need to deafen the bats, just need them to hear you and follow the source of the sound." Lily watched Eddie as his eyes trained on the ground, leaving them in silence. "This is going to work, Eds. We're going to save Max, save you, and then this'll all be over and we can get out of here."

Eddie looked back up towards the roof of the trailer, making sure that Nick and Dustin were both occupied with the amps before he reached up, cupping either side of Lily's face before leaning in to kiss her. She kissed him back eagerly, stepping closer to him until the tips of her shoes met his and wrapping her arms around his neck. Suddenly, if only for a moment, they were no longer in the Upside Down preparing for what had the potential to be the last night of their lives, but they were back at Skull Rock the summer before, full of life and thinking a tomorrow was guaranteed. When Eddie finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against hers, smiling breathlessly.

"Sorry," he murmured. "I just had to do that, in case this all winds up going south."

She shook her head, stepping back a bit so she could look at them. "Nothing's going to go south." she said adamantly. "You're going to go up there, blow the roof off this place and rock the Upside Down, and then we get ourselves to safety. You hear me?"

"Yeah," Eddie said, nodding. "I hear you." his gaze moved briefly over to the ladder before back to her. "Shall we?"

Lily nodded in agreement as he began to scale the ladder, and once he was up safely did she follow suit. She was careful to dodge any vines that clung to the side of the trailer as she climbed, though thankfully they had steered clear of the ladder, giving them a safe pathway.

"Check out this view," Eddie said, extending a hand to where Lily had reached the top rung of the ladder and pulling her up onto the roof of the trailer.

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