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The blood pounded in Lily's ears as she ran through the halls of Hawkins Memorial, dodging and zipping past other hospital visitors and nurses. Nick was close behind her, and Lily could barely register people calling for her to slow down or to watch where she was going, but every step brought her closer and closer to Eddie, and she couldn't stop until she could see him safely with her own two eyes.

She came to an abrupt stop in the doorway of the room, peeking inside to see Eddie and Wayne talking softly, but their conversation halted at the sound of the girls outside, bringing their attention over to them. Eddie's tired eyes immediately lit up in a smile as he took in the redhead standing before him, and Wayne rose from his chair, looking back and forth between them.

"I'd say it's about time for dinner, right Nick?" Wayne suggested, and the Munson girl nodded from her spot next to Lily. "We'll give you two some time to chat."

Wayne gave Lily a reassuring pat on the shoulder as he walked by, a happy, relieved smile on his face, one that she hadn't seen in a long time. Eddie was still hurt, yes, and in trouble in the eyes of Hawkins PD, but for now, his kids were safe, and that was all Wayne cared about. They'd deal with the rest later.

As soon as Wayne and Nick were gone, Eddie patted the now-vacant chair next to his bed, and Lily nearly stumbled over to him, finally taking in the scene before her. He looked exhausted, with dark circles prevalent under his eyes despite being asleep for the past day. A thick bandage peeked out from the neckline of his hospital gown, accompanied by a few circling his arms where the Demobats had bitten him, though she knew the worst were hidden under the gown and the bedsheets. However, nothing prepared her for the blinding white rage that flashed in her vision as she took sight of the metal handcuff around his left wrist, the other wrapped firmly around the side of the bed, keeping him trapped in place.

He was in no shape to even move around in bed, much less get up and cause harm to others, but in their eyes, he was still a murderer.

As Eddie's tired eyes scanned over Lily as she walked closer, his dazed smile quickly turned to an expression of concern as he took in the sling holding her arm in place. As she collapsed into the chair, her cheeks already streaked with tears, he reached out to take her good hand, studying her as his thumb stroked the back of hers softly.

"You're okay," her voice croaked out, more to reassure herself than him.

He nodded, his eyes still trained firmly on the sling. "I'm okay, are you okay?" he asked, voice raspy and groggy. "Tell me what happened."

"I'm fine," she assured him. "I slipped when we were trying to get you through the gate, and when I caught myself I dislocated my shoulder. I'll be good as new in a few days."

Eddie nodded as she spoke, a sudden silence falling between them as she looked him over once more, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall further.

"What were you thinking?" she demanded, though it came out in more of a whisper. "We said no heroes this time."

"I knew I had to buy them more time." he explained, and she reached up to move a stray piece of hair from his face as he spoke before intertwining their hands again. "I couldn't keep running away, not after what happened with Chrissy and Patrick. I couldn't do that again. I knew I needed to be the hero, even just this once."

"Getting yourself to safety isn't just running away and being a coward, Eddie." she said, leaning forward and resting her forehead lightly against his. "You were always my hero."

She couldn't help but notice the wide grin he continued to wear, and her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "How can you be smiling so much?" she asked.

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