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"peekaboo!" y/n grinned, opening the door to hansu's dojo as the bell jingled. only taehoon was there at the moment, practicing like always. he paid no mind to her, fixing his attention onto the punching bag.

"why are you here?" he asked, rubbing the sweat off his forehead from the past hour and a half.

"uncle steven brought me here, said i could practice taekwondo with ya since yer like, a genius at it." she smiled cheekily, dropping her bag on the ground and taking off her jacket, showcasing the small sleeves of tattoos on her arms. she wore a cropped tank top with short shorts, pieces of another large back tattoo could be spotted easily on the middle of her back, as well as a few scars on her torso and her limbs. he wondered where she got those, the tattoos and scars.

"do you even know any taekwondo?" he asked, drinking his water that he kept on the side as the girl shrugged.

"wouldn't hurt to learn, y'know. it's not hard to teach me, i'll learn easily. i can just mimic yer actions."

"so you're one of those?" he narrowed his eyes at her, raising his eyebrows. she didn't know what he meant by "those", maybe just people who learned easy in general.

"what do you mean by those?" she asked, getting down on the ground to stretch her body out.

"a genius, something like that." he continued kicking the punching bag like normal, loud bangs resounding in the dojo from the blows. y/n just shrugged, assuming she probably was a "genius" like he said. she continued watching the boy for the next few minutes as she stretched, watching his form and body as he beat the poor punching bag.

"are you gonna keep sitting on your ass or are you gonna try?" he towered over her resting figure, who was just watching the whole time.

"i was observing first, duh," she pushed herself up, dusting her hands off. she got into a form that taehoon had previously used when he got ready to kick, her legs spread out away from each other. she gave herself a boost of momentum, running towards the punching bag before flying into the air and performing an excellent spinning kick.

"spinning kick." was all he said, his hands resting on his hips.

"it was good, huh? i knowww, ya don't have to tell me." she grinned, flattering herself jokingly. the boy wasn't amused, turning his head away from her and looking around the dojo.

"spar with me, yeah?" he said, facing back towards the girl. she smirked, ready to use her techniques she was never able to use back in the states.

"yer on." she rushed the boy, running towards him on the squishy mat. she figured to keep her distance from him, since he had really long legs and he could easily get her down.

'the legs, gotta go for the legs' she thought quickly, going into a tackling position while still rushing towards the boy. he caught on, landing a kick on the girl which pushed her back a little, but not knocking her down. it was a harsh kick, but didn't pain her that much since she had an amazing pain tolerance.

"tackling? really, try again," he taunted, the girl plotting on her next move. she walked around in circles again around him, the boy closing his eyes as she did so. he sighed, sensing her body still going around him. "stop playing games, fight me already." he groaned.

"nah, give me a second to think." she said. what could she use against him? that was it, get him from the back. he could back kick her, but she could avoid it easily. she circled him one more time, preparing herself. she ran towards him from the back, taehoon hearing her rushing footsteps and turning around and getting ready to kick her once again. she spun around in the air, kicking the back of his neck and catching him off guard. before he could return a blow, she pounced onto his back, latching onto him easily and pulling him down with her to the mat. she double elbowed his temples, releasing a groan from him.


"wanna go to the gym?" y/n asked. they were both taking a break right now, at some noodle bar by the dojo.

"why?" taehoon slurped up the noodles. he went with her on the break, just because she was paying.

"more sparring, and i wanna lift a little." she finished the rest of her noodles, chugging down her drink quickly after.

"how much can you bench press?" he asked, thinking she couldn't lift more than her own body weight.

"last time i checked, only 295." she said nonchalantly. the girl weighed 141 pounds, most of her weight distributed evenly through her body and her muscles. it was surprising she could lift more than double her weight.

"prove it, let's go."

"270, 280, 290, 295, those are all the weights." she grinned,

"there's no way that girl could lift all that."

"how much you wanna bet she cant?"

"she's pretty, but no way she can do all that."

people started to watch her get ready on the bench press, taehoon behind her to spot just in case she couldn't lift it. she rubbed her hands together excitedly, gripping the bar.

"if you can, 5 reps."

"come on now, that's easy. how about.. 15? just watch." y/n grinned, tensing up her muscles. she lifted the weights with ease, gasps resounding through the gym. as she lifted, she looked super ripped from her muscles being in use. she lifted the weights up and down at a smooth pace, the surrounding audience wowing and commenting.

"there's no way!"

"those have gotta be fake, someone check them."

taehoon laughed a little, making y/n smile even more as she finished the set of reps. she stood up casually from the bench, getting a large amount of applause. she bowed amusingly at them, thanking them for their applause.

"i wasn't lying, was i now?"


the two stayed at the gym for two more hours, sparring for the rest of the time they were there before it was soon sunset. they had walked back to the dojo where uncle steven was going to pick up y/n after work. the two warmed up to each other a bit after the long day together, chatting on the way back home after buying ice cream.

"what school do ya go to?" y/n asked her new friend, watching him eat his ice cream as they walked.

"kangbuk," he answered bluntly. "when are you starting school?"

"few weeks. i don't know what school though, uncle said it was nearby." she answered, eating the cone from her ice cream already.

"if you get sent to a girls school, you can't go looking like that. you know that right?" he said in a harsher tone, y/n already used to it from the whole day.

"how come?" she hummed, tossing her napkins in a trash can they passed by.

"piercings, tattoos, crazy makeup that you don't even need."

"so sweet, saying i don't need makeup." she teased taehoon, nudging his arm with her elbow. he nudged her back harder, getting a laugh out of her.

"thats not what i said. just said all that extra makeup makes you look crazy."

"i was just joking, hoonie. relax!" she giggled. they reached the dojo by now, sitting down on some chairs placed in the front.

california girls tidbits

- y/n has a number of piercings and tattoos. they were all done for free, by her friends back in the states.

- y/n sometimes wears heavy or natural makeup, or none depending on how she feels. she can pull off all very well.

- she can benchpress little over double her weight (295), and lift 325.

- y/n is considered a "genius". she can replicate different moves, positions, and more after seeing them.

- y/n has a "sleeper" build, so her muscles aren't that visible normally but once they are put to work they become very noticeable.

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