last fight

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"beat her ass!"

"what the fuck ya running for, huh? ya wanted to fight first, why ya scared, fucking scared ass bitch," a bold female pressed on, approaching a girl opposite of her who kept backing up further and further. she kept retreating and muttering apologies until she was shoved closer to the crazy (h/c) haired female, cursing and scowling at the person that pushed her.

"what ya tryna do, bitch? thought ya was gonna stomp me out so do it. or are ya scared?" she mocked the girl with a shit eating grin, her hands on her hips tauntingly as she got closer and closer.

"beat her ass, y/n!"

"drag that hoe!"

and as requested, just a second later, the crazy female named y/n knocked the bitch down with a good one-two and dragged the hoe, kicking her repeatedly then stomping her. she stopped for a second, until gripping her hair tightly and bashing her head into the cement. poor girl was bleeding and passed out. the watching students recorded the video, laughing at the poor girl who had gotten beaten. nobody, not even her friends, tried stopping y/n or helping their friend because they knew they'd get knocked out by the girl as well.


"nah, nah, nah. cause the bitch said she wanted to fight me. so i did. she talked all that shit, y'know, and she still got dragged-"

"miss l/n. try speaking for once with less intense vulgar language." her principal commented, his bored but angered expression still lingering on his face.

"no, no, no. principal morris just let her continue. she won't stop either way." y/n's step-father had commented, shrugging since he was used to his step-daughters behavior.

"as i was saying, i shouldn't be in the wrong since she provoked me ya know."

"doesn't matter. you almost killed her from bashing her head in the ground. you should be lucky they aren't pressing charges. and after all your referrals, detentions, suspensions, and your behavior overall, you're being removed. expelled i should say."


"so i was thinking and, i think you should stay with ya uncle steven for a while."

"doesn't he live in like, korea or somethin?"

"south korea. but just for a while ya know, i heard ya can become more... relaxed there or somethin." y/n's father said, focusing on the road. the girl groaned, seeing that only herself moving was so unnecessary.

"but what about my friends? what if someone tries going for them once im gone, cant be having that happen ya know. since it almost happened before." her nails clicked as she texted on her phone, the long acrylic nails hanging on for dear life after all the fights she managed to win with them on surprisingly.

"they'll be fine. plus you'll be fine too, yer real smart. got it from yer mother. ya know like three different languages, you'll live. yer uncle steven would be glad to have ya there, you can do whatever ya want." he clarified to the girl.

y/n was a real smart girl though, he was right. with an iq of 142, she was gifted. she used her intelligence in academics, though not in situations where you have to cooperate with people since she got into fights literally every week. she learned different ways of fighting and fighting positions quickly, being able to adapt to change fast and better than others. but the bad part was, she could rarely really use her techniques since no one she fought or could fight potentially could ACTUALLY fight like her, genius and all. they'd always be knocked out quick with one kick, a few punches, or even a bitch slap could get them on the ground and begging for her to stop. all in all, even though she adapted and learned many techniques easily, she could never use them and only fought dirty, street-fighting.

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