𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫

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Me and Nicola ended up talking on the phone all night. At some point we switched from phone to FaceTime. I had fun honestly. We talked about so many things that we like and dislike. He told me how football is his biggest passion, he also told me how his father was the one to light up his love for football.

I told him about my music and how lately I have been struggling to write a new song. I told him about my family, how much I miss them back in Argentina, how much I love my brother and his girlfriend. I also told him about Kai, I told him the whole story.

Nicola was very patient with me, while I was talking about Kai. He was also very understanding about our situation. And while I spoke about Kai, I realised that I don't really care about him that much anymore. It didn't hurt me, when I remember that he's probably now with Sophia.

It doesn't bother me that more than 2 years relationship ended and my ex moved on. Cause honestly...at that moment, when I spoke to Nicola, I was happy. He made me happy. He made me forget. He made me realise who I am.

"Man, it's almost 7am", he said and his voice was really sleepy, his cute smile appeared on his face as he rubbed his eyes, "I have training it two hours, but I don't wanna leave you".

"You should go to sleep now", I gave him a sweet smile too, "I should go too".

"Wanna talk again later?".

"Sure, I have nothing better to do".

"And...how about talking in person? Maybe tonight?", he asked me and made a pause, "are you down?".

I pretended that I was thinking very hard and made him wait for a moment. The silence grew in the air as I was teasing him more and more. And when I finally decided that it's time to give my answer, I nodded my head as a 'yes' and he smiled once again melting my heart.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight then", he said.

"See ya", I waved at the camera and the call ended there.

I put my phone to the side and I turn my back at it. I smile to myself like I was completely crazy and let out a girliest giggle ever. I felt like I was in all those movies, in which the princess falls for the poor, but good man.

I closed my eyes ready to sleep and just as I was drifting to sleep, my door flew open and I heard heavy steps behind me. I turn around and I see my brother Paulo standing there with his hands on his hips.

"I can't believe you, Daniela", he spoke to me and pointed at me, "I knew it, I knew that I can't rely on you for shit".

"What are you talking about?", I asked him with confusion written on my face. I was so tired that I barely even focused him with my eyes. Not a good time, older bro.

"Did you forgot what I told you a couple days ago? Mom and dad are coming today. I told you that we have to go and pick them up".

"What? Today? But...".

"No 'buts', get dressed and let's go", my brother said before leaving my room and closing the door right behind him.

I guess this means goodbye sleep, I thought to myself and I pushed my covers to the side, then got out of bed. I walk up to my closet and I pull the first thing I saw, which happened a grey and black Nike tracksuit. Then I put my hair in a messy bun and put my sunglasses on.

I took my phone, my keys and most importantly my lip balm, because my lips were unusually dry that day. I get down and I Paulo waiting for me at the door. I put my shoes on and we both exit the house with a fast step. We decided to take his car, because it's bigger.

Paulo starts the car and my first job, as usual, is to connect my phone to the speakers and play some music. I play a random playlist on Spotify and it happens to be my 2000s playlist. The first song is 'The boy is mine' by Brandy, Monica. Of course I gave my best performance.

𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐦𝐚| 𝑁𝑖𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑎 𝑍𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑤𝑠𝑘𝑖 𝑥 𝑂𝐶Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant