Story 2- Discovery

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A/N: in this story theres going to be a few chapter, cos i started writing it in school and got carried away lol so tell me what you think :D......OH and this story will start off with harrys pov ENJOY!!

"Save him!!!".....

I turned my head around to see where the voice was coming from, it sounded scared, lonely.

"Save him!!"

I turned around once more... THERE! standing a few steps away was a girl she looked like she was seven years old; she had blond hair and blue eyes; she was wearing a very silky dress it was pink. I look back at her face she look desperate and she looked like she was about to cry. -she reminds me of someone- i thought.  I our eyes meet; tears begin to fall down her red cheeks,

"save him please, the darkness is getting to him, please his really upset about me leaving him behind.." I looked at her confused, who was se talking about...

"who are you talking about?" I asked utterly confused

"please help my dragon" she said -dragon whos he?-  i was completely confused by now.

"Whos this dragon" she slowly began to fade away i got desperate.

"WAIT! WHOS DRAGON!!" but it was too late..

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"DRAGON!!!" I shouted, i looked at my sorrounding. i was back into my dorm, i was panting and sweating; my clothes were wet from the sweat, i sighed deepy, Grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and placed them on,-what a weird dream and who was that girl; but most importanly who does she want me to save- I sighed again. Got up and went to take a quick shower -i have a feeling its going to be a long day-  I thought. After i got ready ron and the others began to wake up, before leaving for breakfast i told ron that i was leaving first. He nodded and mumbled something about meatball. When i got to the great hall i wasnt suprised that no one had yet arrived, so i made my way to the gryffindor table and began to eat. After a few minutes the great hall began to fill up, finally hermioe and ron joined me. Like usual ron went straight to eat and hermione took out a book and read while at the same time ate her toast. I turned back to my toast while at the same time i thought about the little girl. I was brought out my thoughts when i heard a loud SMACK

( A/N i dont know what made me write this :p)

Everyone turned to look at where it came from. There at the front door. There at the front door was Parkiston holding onto her cheek while she was shaking, standing in front of her was none other than a very red and angry Draco Malfoy, he opened his mouth not knowing that everyone had full attention on the current event,

"Dont you EVER call me Dragon alright, you have no rights pansy to call me Dragon. I Dont give a fuck if you are a girl i will fucking hex you" he hissed the last part, turned around and stormed out leaving a very heartbroken and sobbing Parkiston behind. The great hall erupted into whispers, i looked back at hermione and ron, ron had a plain shocked expression -well no change there- but on the other hand hermione had a very knowing look like she new something we dont -well duh shes the brain in this group- I looked back at the entrance, Parkinston was beginning to get up. When suddenly it clicked -Dragon...- without thiking i got up and hurried out the Great Hall ignoring rons and hermiones cries. When i got out of the great hall i run down the hall to where ever my feet were taking me. I looked outside to where the lake was there sitting under a tree was Draco Malfoy. I stopped and made my way to him, when i was three steps away he notice me and scowled,

"what do you want potter? here to make fun of me, well go ahead i dont care just make it quick" he said while he turned his attention back to the lake. i opened my mouth and closed it again thinking about what to say,

"err, malfoy who used to call you dragon? i mean is it your nickname or something" i asked carefully without making him angry.

"its none of your buisness!" he snapped,

"im trying to help you malfoy, its not everday you get a potter helping a malfoy" i said with a hint of humour

"i dont need our charity potter" he said sounding helpless and small nearly coming out in whisperes.

"this is not charity malfoy, i just wanna help, not as a hero but as harry, come on accept it mal-draco" helooke up shocked, he opened his mouth but closed it not knowing what to say. He looked back at me and watched me intently, trying to find something he finally gave up and relaxed.

A:N im stopping here my mum is getting cranky continuing tomorrow i promise

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