Chapter 19 - Mission Complete

Start from the beginning

"I still have some unfinished business." Bai Feng dashed to the assassin and grabbed his shoulders before using him as a platform to somersault onto the rooftop

The informant quickly grabbed his talisman and a bright golden circle immediately appeared behind Bai Feng. Then out of a sudden, smaller replicas of his sword rained rapidly on the assassin, landing cuts and grazes on the masked man's limbs.

Once the myriad of attacks subsided, Xiao Tian leaped onto the rooftop and flung his dagger onto Bai Feng head-on. The cedar-haired beauty arched his back to dodge but the assassin yanked the chains connecting his daggers and the blade effectively swung back.

Relying purely on instincts, Bai Feng leaped onto the ground below.

"I like you Xiao Bai," the assassin started but was quickly interrupted by the cedar-haired beauty.

"I almost forgot that you also cultivate." the informant clicked his tongue as he watched Xiao Tian land in front of him.

Bai Feng immediately dealt heavy blows to the assassin without giving his opponent any time to recover. Yet the assassin blocked the incoming attacks with great precision, using both of his blades to push away the informant's sword before quickly tripping the cedar-haired beauty.

As Bai Feng fell on his back, the assassin immediately stabbed the ground next to the informant. Only missing a few inches as the golden-eyed beauty rolled to the side, hastily trying to regain his stance.

Still, the assassin was quick to grab his dagger and was about to thrust his blade into Bai Feng's chest when the informant landed a clean high kick on Xiao Tian.

The harsh kick caused the assassin's head to spin slightly, yet in this grim situation, he still had the time to let out a soft chuckle.

"You stole my move," the jade-eyed assassin straightened his posture but instantly leaped backwards when he sensed the ground rumbling.

Bai Feng had planted his hands onto the ground and the soil was starting to tremble. As Xiao Tian leaped midair, he swung his daggers and jade green blades sliced the air in the informant's direction. The qi-infused attacks swiftly cut through those beautiful ivory robes with ease, creating deep gashes on Bai Feng's arms, effectively stopping the ground from shaking.

Then in a split second, Xiao Tian dashed in Bai Feng's direction and had already stabbed the informant's chest.

Everything turned into a stop. 

"You promised you wouldn't hurt him!" a voice in Xiao Tian's head roared but he kept his focus on Bai Feng.

"You had put up a good fight until the end, princess." the jade-eyed man whispered.

"It might be rewarding.. For you to kill me now.. But let me go.. And I'll show you.. The ultimate hunt." Bai Feng coughed up blood as his vision started to blur.

Then Xiao Tian felt a grip on his right wrist.

"This mission.. Isn't worth your losing.. Your entertainment over.. Don't you think?" the informant's eyelids finally shut closed as his breath became labored.

Xiao Tian held Bai Feng in his arms as his vision quickly loses its colors. His only light is now gone. Luckily the masked man does not even have an ounce of emotion in his heart.

The assassin then started to count down in his head. Just like he always does during his kills.

"20.. 19.. 18.."

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