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for those of you reading this I just wanted to make sure that this information is heard.

before we start I don't know how many of you are trans, or who can relate to Tsukki in this aspect. there are many forms of dysphoria, some severe and others not, so please do not question if you do not fit his experience. I am going to put Tsukkishima in a severe dysphoria situation, as that is something I can relate to significantly more. 

also, I do not wish to get any comments saying negative things about trans people or the transition process. nothing on "he's too young" or "that's not right".  Everyone has different experiences and takes the right measures to deal with them. 

Transgender is a medical term, it is a condition (even if that sounds harsh) not a choice. thus, Tsukki does not identify as trans, he identifies as male/a guy so please be respectful of that. 

in this story, there will be: 

- angst

- tears

- swearing

- mentions of sad feelings (most likely) 

- dysphoria

+other things based around these topics (no SH, suicide or rape) 

thank you, and please enjoy! 

- author~kun

The realty of the dinosaur's saltiness - Trans Tsukki AUWhere stories live. Discover now