✯ 1 ✯ The Anchor

Start from the beginning

Shoto Todoroki.

This was not how I expected to meet a canon character. It certainly put the situation I knew would happen in a more personal light. Here I was watching the direct aftermath of Shoto's damaging origin.

My mother let go of my hand and walked into the room. Her frustration and anger towards Endeavor seemed to disappear as she focused on Shoto. My mother slowly sat next to Shoto, on the bed he sat in, and offered Shoto a smile.

I was about to follow her when Endeavor grabbed my arm. I looked up to see his harsh glare aimed down at me. I didn't hesitate in glaring right back.

"Let go," I glared.

Endeavor's brows raised a bit, but he didn't let go. A tense silence fell over us as our eye contact was maintained.

"(Y/N), dear, would you go outside? I'm sure the other kids won't mind playing with you while I work," my mother said.

I looked over at her, but it was clear she hadn't taken her eyes off Shoto. I wanted to argue so I'd stay with her and Shoto, maybe give Endeavor a piece of my mind, but I pushed those selfish thoughts aside.

"Okay," I muttered.

Endeavor led me towards the backyard and I followed with a good deal of distance between us. I was deep in thought. If my mother was Shoto's doctor during this time in his life I would likely be back in this house. I would most likely have a chance to form some sort of connection with Shoto, and perhaps I could help him recover much sooner than in the anime. If I could just get the point of him being his own person across to him before Midoriya then we could make a lot of progress.

At least I know what time period I'm in now.

Still, this solidifies that everything is real. I'm in Boku no Hero Academia. I'm the same age as the main characters of the show. I can make a difference.

But do I want to?

It'll be dangerous and I could get myself killed. Even if I did make that decision there is no certainty of me getting into UA, which is what I'd need to do to make a difference.

Still, I feel selfish.

Deep down I only really want to make a difference to assure myself that I'm not useless in this new world...this new life. I'd be using the knowledge I have, altering people's lives, to assure my self-serving goal. I mean, sure, if I succeeded in making a difference I could make things better for the people involved, but I could also make it worse.

Much worse.

Now that I think about it, if All For One found out I knew everything he was about to do in the next year...that could bring disaster.

So I have to keep my knowledge secret.

Of course, that's easier said than done. My parents are already hyper-aware of, what they believe to be, my higher intellect. Of course, it's because of my mind thinking at the age of a nineteen-year-old, but I couldn't just tell them that. It was one of the reasons I was still homeschooled. That and they were too busy to drive me to and from school every day.

Ugh! Why is this so difficult?!

"Hey!" Endeavor called, snapping in front of my face.

I could just feel the irk mark appear on my head as I refrained from yelling at the man. I looked up at Endeavor and kept a calm front.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking. What did you say?" I asked.

"I asked, what's your quirk?" Endeavor asked.

Oh no he did not. You're kidding. I'm five! Of course, he doesn't really care about that, but I cannot believe the audacity of this man. If it was anyone else then I'd probably not care, but this is Endeavor. And the only reason Endeavor would ask this question is for one reason.

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