We drove until we reached the Thomas Hall where the ceremony would take place. I leaped out of the car and ran to the auditorium where I was ushered to the backstage where all the other graduates were taking place. I grew anxious about what was to happen on stage. I would never want to embarrass myself while thousands of people looked on. I wanted to be proud of myself.

The school official came out onto the stage and started the ceremony. I stood dubiously as the speaker was announcing names and handing out diplomas. I glanced over in the audience to see Kira smiling in awe and Kristopher filming it on his phone. I smiled gently at them before turning back to the stage. In the corner of my eye, I could see dad sitting there impatiently with a surfeited look on his face. Mom was no better, gutsy rolling her eyes and checking her phone. 

Soon enough it was my turn to accept my diploma. I couldn't even turn to the audience to see my parents faces, I couldn't be bothered to look at such fallacious expressions as I was receiving something that meant a lot to me. "Miss Kaitlin Styles, a top of the class honor student who has written exceptional papers! We are all very proud of you here at Berklin's digital university!" The speaker said while looking from me to the audience of people clapping. I took my diploma and shook his hand before being invited to give a speech.

I cleared my throat and looked squarely into the audience, eyes focused on my family, especially Kira who was intent on hearing every word spoken. It was a fluke my parents were still in their seats, actually wanting to pay attention to the speech I was about to give.

I took a deep breath and spoke true words from the heart.

"First I'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for being here and for being given the chance to accept something very dear to me," I swallowed before speaking with determination.

"I want to thank only a few people who have personally been a consistent support system for me through this happy and challenging time. They were always there for me when I needed them the most and they have always been kind to me, even when I hadn't been the most kind to myself. The first person is my little sister Kira who is here today...she is actually a big reason why I am on this stage tonight. For her. Never underestimate the power of kindness and real love. Real love is attentive, kind, patient, considerate, strong and reasonable and it never falters due to a personality or a difficult situation...and I will forever be thankful to her for showing me that I was never alone in this world. The second person is my other younger sister Kylie who has been supplying me with little nudges to help for things to go my way, like tonight how she was able to usher everyone into the car for this special night," I chuckled along with the audience.

"She had always been a best friend to me and has never failed to show that type of compassion ever. I have learned important lessons from these ones...to not remember the ones who have turned away from you with a cold shoulder, but to remember the ones who did help you along the way." I stepped down and watched as everyone gave a standing ovation for me as I walked off the stage with tears streaming from my face. 

Kylie and Kira cried as I made my way around to their section, only to my parents looking almost ashamed. Their faces were red and anguished, yet they still clapped loudly as all eyes were on me making my way down to where the rest of the other graduates were. Kris, Kim and Kam clapped loudly too as they saw me exit the auditorium.

The frozen smile on my face spelled volumes. It wasn't about to go anywhere even when it attracted attention from the other graduates who chatted with me while I waited for the ceremony to be over. It finally ended with everyone getting their diplomas and celebrating. My family came and found me, with Kristopher giving me a side hug along with Kimberly and Kameron. Kylie ran to me with proud tears streaming down her face. She held Kira tightly in her arms as the both kissed my cheek with immense affection. 

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