16 • Conversations

Start from the beginning

Slowly, I rise from the bed, walking over to the window with my cell phone in hand. Trying to keep my composure, I grip the thick fabric with my fingers and yank hard to the side. My heart jumps to my throat as I struggle to see through the darkened scene outside. At this moment, I'm waiting for someone to pop out of the shadows and scare the living daylights out of me.

Just as I'm about to close the curtain again, my phone rings, sending my heart rate around the bend. Shaking slightly, I check the new message I had received, praying it's only Xavier. Only, it isn't. An unknown number pops up on the screen with a single message that sends chills up and down my spine.

'Stop texting that boy, Melanie. He's no good.'

"What the hell?" I whisper, sudden panic washing over me like a tidal wave. How did he know I was texting Xavier? Even if he was standing outside of my window, how could he possibly be able to piece together that Xavier was who I had been texting?

Instead of accusing him of anything, I ignore the text and click out of the conversation. Only, when I do I realize Xavier had texted me back as well. I smile a little as I read it, forgetting all about the blocked number. 'No, it's fine. I enjoy talking to you. :)'

I reply to the message with a quick smiley face before putting my phone to sleep mode. Once darkness has enveloped the room again, the darkness my phone's light had kept away, I begin to shake with fright. What if my stalker is in the house right now? Maybe that's how he knows...but then again, he'd have to be in my room to know for sure.

A few minutes later, after I had double-checked the lock on my window, I get another text, but this time, it's another one from the unknown number. I read it and freeze. 'Don't you dare ignore me, Melanie! I've warned you about your mother. You know that I will kill her if you don't start listening to what I have to say.'

This time, I have no choice but to answer. 'What do you want?'

Then, Xavier texts me back, wondering what I'm doing right now. I reply to it before switching back to the conversation with my stalker, where a new text had just come in.

'Melanie, you stop talking to him right now. He is not to interfere.'

I text back, 'Interfere? Interfere with what?'

A couple seconds later, the number replies, 'Stop texting him.'


Right after I send the message, I block his number. I'm done with talking to that creep, but I know he'll probably text back from a new phone, a new number to torment me with. I groan at the mere thought.

Feeling a yawn coming on, I send Xavier a quick goodbye, and crawl under my covers.

Goose bumps rise on my skin from a sudden draft in the air. My eyes immediately drift over to my window, where I still hadn't closed the curtains fully. It's probably a good thing I hadn't. If I had, I wouldn't have been able to see that a hand was lifting up the slide to get in.

I'm paralyzed with fear for a few seconds, thinking about the fact that I remember locking the window. All I can hear is my own breath and the sound of the slide slowly opening, the draft in the air getting more forceful. Finally, I let out a guttural scream that reverberates on the walls.

However, when I'm about to scream again, the slide falls, the window seals, and the hand that was there only moments ago is gone.

"Melanie!" Mom cries in alarm as the door flies open, "what happened? What's wrong?"

By this time, her arms wrap around my body protectively, and I'm frozen in shock. I don't even have enough energy to tell her that she said my real name, not Skylar. Even though I hate the name, I had agreed with Agent Callaway that it would be best to call me with a fake name. I faintly feel the tears slipping down my face, but mostly comprehend that someone had just tried breaking in, just like my dream the other night.


"I'm alright," I say, my voice hoarse. "I had a nightmare, I'm okay."

I feel her tense body relax as I soak in her warmth. Goosebumps still line my skin, but that's more from the sudden cold draft.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks.

I nod, pulling away. "Yeah, I just had a bad dream."

She apprehensively stands up, still eyeing me with suspicion. "Okay, I'll let you sleep then."

"Okay," I reply as calmly as I can, lying back down.

The moment she's gone, I immediately crawl out of bed and throw myself at the window, trying to figure out exactly how my stalker could get in. The window is mysteriously unlocked, and I know I had sealed it. There should have been no way he could get in so easily!

Then, as I turn away from the window, I get a message from a different number than what was used to text me a few minutes earlier. 'I was hoping to have more fun with you tonight...too bad you screamed.'


Wow...such an intense chapter!

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