Arc 2 Chapter 3 (Rewritten): Obtaining the Pieces

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"Have you forgotten about our previous encounter? How you tried to force us into cooperation?"

"That was just for the sake of Horikita. As a teacher, I need to guide my students onto a path where they can grow."

"Don't bullshit me. That was all for the sake of your dream to reach Class A. Whatever it is that awaits you upon accomplishing this feat, I don't care. But this is your last chance to agree to my proposal. Beat around the bush again and I'm leaving."

"Fine. What do you want from me?"

"Smart. All I need for now is your full support behind me. Of course, I won't make you do anything that is rule-breaking."

She pondered for a moment.

"Can I reply to you tomorrow?"

"No. I need an answer right now or else the deal is off."

I couldn't give her the time to think. Who knows what stupid ideas she might get? Although, having her wait till tomorrow could also be interesting. Sensei's been making unconscious slip-ups here and there, allowing me to gain even more info. For example: how she didn't dispute the fact that there were specific "rules" within this school. I had my theories that the school created a rulebook about point transfer, extortions, expulsions, tests, etc, but I wasn't sure of it. Her response was a confirmation of all of that though. Thanks.

"Alright. I accept. Though this is a dangerous game that you are playing, Yamauchi. Remember, try anything detrimental to me and I won't hesitate to bring you down, even if it costs me my job."

Empty threats are all you got, huh?

"Oh? I'm sorry to say, but you don't have the power to right now. Do I need to remind you of the little thing I have?" I said, pulling out my phone.

A grimace flashed across her face, perhaps remembering that unpleasant turn of events.

"Remember, Sensei, as long as you do what I ask, the spot of Class A is yours." I reminded, turning towards the door.

Reaching for the handle, I paused, a smirk making its way onto my face.

"Just be careful not to get swallowed in the imminent storm."

And with that, I swung the door opening, sauntering out, hearing the bang of the door as it swung shut as I walked down the hall.


After the tiresome classes had ended for the day, I glanced at Kushida. Feeling my gaze, she stood up, turning to the class.

"Everyone, if I could have your attention!"

Immediately, 38 heads turned towards their beloved angel.

"What is it Kushida-san?" Harem-kun asked, wearing a pleasant smile.

"If anyone has info on Sudo's case or would like to help, can you please stay in this classroom? I want to help come up with a plan of action."

"Of course, it's only natural that we help," Harem-kun answered, approaching Kushida.

After the rest of the class had gone off to hone their stupidity, we were left with Kushida, Harem-kun, Ego-chan, Kiyotaka-kun, and T-Bagged-kun. Kiyotaka had tried to slip out of the classroom unnoticed but I caught him back. For this situation, I needed some inconspicuous like him to gather intel on the masses. Of course, when it came to information, Kushida was second to none but Kiyotaka was much sharper and keen, capable of picking out hidden meanings and implications that she could not. Furthermore, despite the fact that he said that he'd take the sidelines this time, I still had doubts about his words. This would be a good time to test the depth of his abilities, which are still mostly unknown.

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