The best-case scenario? I was born within the same year as the main characters. At least then I'd know what would happen.

Speaking of knowing what would happen. Would I be able to change the story? I mean animes have pretty set storylines. If I'd change that then I'd practically be forcing myself into the narrative as a side character or, at best, a main character. That also begs the question.

Do I want to involve myself in the shit storm?

The storyline of this anime is mostly lighthearted at first. Sure there are many scares, due to the League of Villains being formed, but towards the end of the fifth season, things go downhill fast. And I mean the plot becomes like an avalanche of bad news that'll suffocate anyone left in its wake. It was dangerous and I don't think I'd like to die again.

Though that wouldn't be until far in the future and that's only if I was in the timeline I wanted to be in.

I suppose I'll have to wait to find out.

Though in the hypothetical chance, that I am in the time I want to be in...who would I meet first? Who would I want to meet first? I mean Midoriya's a a matter of fact most of the kids from class 1-A would act like sweethearts, aside from Bakugou's backward way of showing his care for others.

Then there was a more likely scenario of meeting one of the heroes. They appear in public all the time. It was part of their job after all. Oh! I could meet Eraserhead! Just the thought created a wave of serotonin to flow through me. I had a crush on the man. Sue me!

Finally, there was the opposite of the serotonin-inducing thoughts. A thought that sent a shiver down my small baby spine. What if I met one of the villains first? Shigaraki or Dabi would be terrifying, but if I happened to stumble into All For One that would be mortifying. With his ability to not only steal quirks and use said quirks, but the ability to use the quirks he already has stored inside him. Who knows what kind of torturous or deadly quirks he wields?

Do I even have a quirk?

What are my parents' quirks?

The only thing I can think of is my mother's lullabies and how soothing they were. Did she have a calming quirk? Or maybe it was some kind of emotional manipulation.

Then there was my father. I'd never seen him do anything that would relate to a quirk. Maybe it wasn't physical in nature. It could be a mental quirk like Shinso's mind-controlling quirk. It could be that he's never had to use his quirk at the house. Or, just maybe, he was quirkless.

Either way, it was a little exciting thinking about possibly having a quirk. Compared to my last life where, as far as I can remember, heroes and supernatural abilities, like quirks, didn't exist. Would my quirk be powerful? It could be a relatively weak quirk like Midoriya's mother's quirk. Although helpful it wasn't like she could effectively use it in a proper fight against a powerful villain.

If I did get the theoretical emotional manipulation quirk from my mother that would be wildly helpful. Being able to manipulate my enemy's feelings into whatever I wanted would definitely give me the upper hand in many battles.

But quirks usually had backlashes, right?

What would be the backlash to an emotional manipulation quirk? Being affected by the emotion I'm forcing onto my opponent? Having no emotions while giving emotions to someone else? Having no emotions sounded awful. Or maybe it would be mental exhaustion.

Man, this is fun! Just think of the endless possibilities for a quirk I could have. Technically I could be an anomaly and gain a quirk that is completely different from what's in my genetic lines, like Eri and Shigaraki. Or I could be the opposite and not have a quirk at all, like Midoriya.

I suppose all I can do is wait for now. Wait until I get some sort of sign of what's going to happen. Is it scary? Most definitely! However, it is a thrilling adventure I can't wait to begin.



This story is highly inspired by 'Changing History' by summerblack on Quotev. I HIGHLY recommend it as it is very, VERY, good!


BNHA/MHA does not belong to me and all credits go to Kohei Horikoshi (BNHA/MHA's creator). This will also obviously follow the BNHA/MHA storyline and will thus have spoilers! You have been warned!

As I said in the summary, the book cover does not belong to me. I found it on Pinterest and as far as I can tell it belongs to Sha Rosales on Pinterest.

I will do my best to make this story as realistic (in terms of interpersonal relationships) as possible. This means that the characters will not immediately fall in love with you. However, this is a Reverse Harem so many of the characters will fall in love with you over time. This does include characters who don't get as much screen time as they truly deserve. This does include villains, although those relationships will in no way be healthy. The villains are mentally unstable after all.  On another note! I will try to add female love interests as well, but I am a straight female so it may not be the best representation of bisexuality. If I do anything to offend you on this subject I promise I do not intend to, and I would take no offense (and I in fact encourage) to you telling me how to fix such issues as long as you are polite about it. I will write the OC with female pronouns, as it is simpler for me since I am female (she/her), but if you are any other pronoun, gender, gender-fluid, or whatever feel free to mentally replace/change these things.

Some ages will be changed (like Hawks[20], Shigaraki[19], Dabi[20], and Overhaul[20]) to make me feel more comfortable. [I know Overhaul is supposed to be 4 years older than Dabi & Hawks, but this is just easier for them to be the same age]. I will not do any romantic interests that are more than five years older than the Reader. This means no to characters like Aizawa, Fatgum, and other older bros. This does not mean the Reader will not have a crush on said characters [mostly Aizawa], but there will be no romance between the two.

Now let's get to another point that summerblack brought up that I completely agree with. Complete physical identification with the reader is impossible. This means that despite my want to make the Reader in this story completely like you I can't. Everyone is different so I cannot make every aspect of the character in this book like you specifically while also making it identify with someone else. For example, the character in this story will have hair that I will describe as long at the start. For those who have short or shaved hair (or if you're bald), I am sorry. The same fact will stand for height and a couple of other aspects. However, things like skin color, hair color, fashion style, eye color, and other such details will be left up to you.

In addition to this fact, like summerblack, I will not have the characters describe you as 'perfect' or any terms like this. In my story, there will be the occasional 'gorgeous' or 'beautiful' comment, but again it will be rare at best. Physical beauty is subjective and changes with each person. Your love interests will be attracted to you, but they will have a bond with you that goes beyond and mean more than just physical attraction.


This story will contain cursing alongside mentions of blood, fighting, violence, injuries, death, PTSD (as you have died and been reborn), anxiety, etc. It is canonical fighting and violence and will not be gory. There might be mentions of blood or bad gashes/cuts, but nothing past that. This story also has domestic aggression (Endeavor against his sons [mostly Shoto & Touya] these are in no way put in detail. Mostly notes on his grip on their arm and some pushing. Endeavor does yell as well, but he won't yell at the sons much, it's more so calling (Y/N) a stupid girl, that kind of stuff. There is only one time he is ABOUT to be violent toward (Y/N). I will put triggers on the chapter, so you guys know, but be aware of what you can and can't handle. There is no judgment if you cannot read the chapter, I completely understand, so please take care of yourselves mentally!

*Last Notes*

Okay! Now that all the dedications, disclaimers, and ratings are done I want to say one last thing. I truly do hope you enjoy this book as I am really excited to make it. Comments are always welcome, I just ask that you please be respectful to me and each other. Anyway, have a great morning, afternoon, and/or night! <3

Butterfly Effect [BNHA Various X Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora