Start from the beginning

"Huh?" Stiles drunkenly looked around. "I think you're seeing things, Scotty. I haven't seen her since Wednesday, when the alpha attacked."

All of the sudden a hand grabbed her arm violently, "Look at this pretty lady. You stalking those runts? You could come home with some real men and we'll show you a nice time." She looked up to meet two men. One holding her arm and the other sandwiching her to the first. She tried to pull her arm but his grip tightened. "Uh-uh, where do you think you're going?"

"Home," was her response before she grabbed water from the air with her free hand and splashed them in the face with it. The man immediately let go to relieve his eye before she ran to Scott. She was safer with a werewolf than by herself. "Can you help me? I got lost and some random guys just tried to nab me."

"Yeah," Scott answered before guarding her with his arm when the men came over. They grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniel's the teens were drinking.

"Well, look at the two little bitches getting their drink on," the man who grabbed the mermaid said before looking at her, "And the skank's here too. Maybe she didn't have the guts to hang with real men."

"I wouldn't touch you with a fifty foot pole, fish butt," she insulted him from behind Scott, but it didn't even faze him.

""Fish butt?" What kind of child are you?"

"Exactly, a child. I wouldn't want to touch you anyways." Her face screwed up in disgust.

"Scott, maybe we should just go," Stiles pitched in, sobering up now.

"You brought me here to get me drunk, Stiles. I'm not drunk yet." Scott looked to the man in front of them before standing, "Give me the bottle." The man shook his head before Scott cocked his head down and a lower pitched voice escaped him, "Give me the bottle of Jack."

Nixie watched with Stiles as Scott's nails grew into claws.


The man seemed like he just witnessed a dolphin murder a pufferfish as he handed the bottle back, only for Scott to take it and throw it against a tree; the mermaid's heart thundered in her chest at the sudden move. The two men in front of them seemed to understand and left them alone. But even then, they didn't stay out after that. Stiles seemed to sober up and followed Scott as he started to leave. Nixie followed loosely behind, still not feeling safe enough to leave on her own just yet. There was a bad presence and she could feel it in the air.

"When did she get here?" Stiles asked, looking over at the girl he talked about no less than ten minutes ago.

"Not long ago, idiot. Got lost in the woods and got harassed by some guys." She rolled her eyes at his obliviousness. He's gonna get killed one day. "How did you even survive this long in the world?"

"Back to insults? Why don't you ever insult Scott?"

"Because he was willing to protect me... and from what I've heard, he was just broken up with. I don't want to hurt his already broken heart. I don't think it could handle being broken more."

"Thanks," was Scott's reply. He quickly turned to her, "How do you know? About me, by the way?"

"Excuse me? I just said I didn't want to insult you, but I will if you press. Not everyone is in the dark when it comes to supernatural salt happening in the world."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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