no strings attached (ending one)

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You pried your eyes open, examining your surroundings. The soft sounds of old music floated through the radio and rain thrummed against the windshield. Shalnark sat in the driver's seat in front of you, fingers tapping anxiously against the wheel. You looked down at your hands and moved your fingers one by one. They were slow and half were still numb. Your wrists were bound tightly in a thick grey rope. You were tired and you doubted that you were supposed to be awake right now. You flexed your muscles and tried to wake them up as much as you could without alerting Shalnark. It was hard, but you managed it before he noticed. Why should you even try? What good would it do? Your head was throbbing and you felt like you might have a fever. You leaned back in your seat and let your head slump down. Maybe you should just go back to sleep. Maybe letting go was the best choice.

“You were never one for an easy path were you?”

You froze, holding your breath. That wasn't Shalnark. You peered up to find him still distractedly listening to the radio.

“Over here dumbass.”

You looked beside you, keeping your head down, and saw them sitting next to you.

“Don't speak. He would hear you.”

It was Kai. You dropped your head and turned to ignore him.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn't have fought with you. I know that now! But are you really just going to give up?”

You wanted to. You really wanted to! But when you looked at your chest and saw the blue cover of Kurapika’s clothes, you remembered him telling you about it. It was a traditional Kurta cloth that he had saved from his childhood. It was important to him and he let you wear it. You should probably return it. You slowly shake your head no, hearing him laugh beside you.

“Good. The first thing we need to do is stop this car."

He slid next to you and directed you to begin lengthening the rope tied around your wrists. You did so quickly and were relieved that he didn't seem to notice you moving.

"Pull it tight and wrap it around your fists," Kai said. "That way it can't be taken from you."

He grabbed your arms, guiding your moves.

"This won't kill him. You'll need to do that yourself."

You nodded again and continued wrapping the rope around your fists until they were bound tightly together.

"Now what?" You whispered, so quietly that you doubt even kai heard you.

Kai smiled behind you, then placed both hands on either side of your face, aiming your head at where Shal sat in the front seat.

"We can't wait until we're in the middle of nowhere. This will be a hard ride. Are you ready?"

You nodded slowly and he smiled at you. With one last whispered encouragement, you launched into action. You Jumped from your seat and threw the rope around his neck.
He jolted in surprise but you quickly pulled the rope tight and wrapped it around the seat head, using your legs to kick his controller away. He roared in anger and grasped at the rope. He pulled at the makeshift noose and yanked but it stayed tied around your hands. The car swirled and ran off the road, sent crashing off of a cliff. The car flipped in the air and you were sent flying as the car rushed towards the ground. The impact was loud, defining even, and you were thrown out of the windshield as the glass inside shattered. The rope pulled your flesh roughly and scratched a large amount of skin from your palms. You landed hard on the ground, the wind knocked out of you.

You struggled to breathe and you felt glass dig into your skin but you wouldn't let him win. You pushed up onto your knees, feeling the rough stone digging into your skinned knees as you did so. Your body screamed at you to sit but you ignored its cries, grabbing a large shard of glass. You approached the burning vehicle that showed no sign of being put out by the rain, eyeing the driver's side carefully. You had to make sure that he was gone. You jerked open the door only to find it empty, the remote removed as well. You barely had a second to process this before he charged at you, knocking the breath from your lungs. He pulled a needle from his pocket and aimed to stick it in your side. You slashed his face, distracting him long enough for you to throw him off of you, needles scattering to the ground and sliding in the mud. He stumbled backwards and you lunged for a nearby rock. You swung it at his head, him grabbing it and tossing you to the ground. You scrambled to grab another weapon, reaching towards a large shard. He slammed his foot onto your wrist, a loud crack and your own guttural scream guaranteeing the bone had been turned to dust. You used your other arm to pry him off of you but he sat on top of you, wrapping his hands around your throat. His thumbs dug into your windpipe and you struggled to breathe, batting your hands at his face and stabbing your thumb into his left eye.

A marionette's dance (Yandere!ShalnarkXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now