a cooking competition

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You, Kurapika, and Gon reached the site for phase two. You waded through the crowds of exhausted people and searched for Leorio. A sudden fear struck you, the others must have felt it too because you three turned to the source to see Hisoka leaning against a tree with a smile. He pointed to another tree and you saw Leorio. He sat leaning against the tree with a disoriented look but seemed to be mostly okay and all three of you rushed over to him.
“Man, that stings,” he stated, rubbing his swollen cheek. “Why am I all beat up?”
Maybe he was less okay than you originally thought. You agreed to not tell him what happened. He was hot-headed and would probably try to fight Hisoka again.
“Gon.” Killua approached your group with his skateboard tucked under his arm. “I can’t believe you actually got here. I thought you were done for.”
“Excellent work everyone,” Satoz drew attention to the large walls, “phase two of the exam will occur here, in the Biska Forest Park.”
He wished everyone luck then bounded mechanically back into the swamp.

  The large gates opened to reveal a huge manor. In front of the imposing building stood rows and rows of cooking stations.
“A cooking challenge?” you mused.
  “Will the applicants who passed the first phase please enter?” came the voice of a woman.
She sat upon a throne of sorts in front of a large man.
“Welcome. I'm Menchi, the second phase examiner.” she introduced.
“And I'm Buhara, the other examiner.” Said the man in yellow, a large growl followed soon after.
  “You must be hungry,” stated Menchi.
“I'm starving.” Replied Buhara.
She stood from her seat and addressed the crowd.
“There you have it. Phase two will involve…” She paused for suspense “Cooking!” She exclaimed.
You were relieved, cooking was something you knew how to do.
“Wait, Cooking!?” A guy from the crowd exclaimed.
“We’re here to take the hunter exam!” He complained.
  You didn't know why he was upset, cooking was an important skill and if he’s good at it, then this would be an easy challenge to regain energy in.
“That's quite right. Your challenge for the second phase is to produce a dish that will satisfy our pallet.” She calmly explained.
“Why do we have to cook?!” someone shouted.
“That’s because we are gourmet hunters.” She was much more polite than you probably would have been.
Many of the contestants started laughing and acting as if this were some joke. It was clearly starting to irritate the examiners.
“So, gourmet hunters, what are we supposed to make?” asked one guy, he held a cocky aura about him and clearly thought himself above this challenge.
Instructions were given and the required ingredient was pork. Buhara smacked his stomach like a gong and the exam began. Everyone scrambled for the exit and began searching for pigs.
  You, Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, and Killua slid down a large hill, accidentally piling up.
“Found them.” said Gon and everyone looked to his sight line.
Impossibly large carnivorous pigs milled about in the field, munching on bones.
“Uh, they’re chewing on bones.” Leorio stated, dumbfounded.
“Don't tell me, they are carnivores?” asked Kurapika.
One turned its head and noticed them standing there, snapping the large bone in its mouth like a twig. You began running while the pigs stampeded after your group. People came into view and were attacked by the beasts that sent many people flying. Gon leapt into the air and attacked one with his fishing rod but it seemingly did nothing. It ran into a tree and prepared to trample Gon when fruits fell from the branches. They landed on the pig's head and it fell to the ground, Gon landing the final killing blow. With people realising the pigs’ weakness, everyone quickly collected their meat and walked back to the stations. They started up the grills and you left to your own. The examiners were probably upset after the comments from earlier and looking around, you found everyone preparing it the same way. If you were granted all these tools and spices, you were going to use them. You Laid the pig town, grabbing a large cleaver from the station.

  You slipped out the door and activated Zetsu, quietly adding on Gyo. A sharp pain pulsed in your back. The throbbing was nigh impossible to ignore.  ‘A small detour is fine.” you decided, approaching an old mirror.
Shalnark had brought a large mirror in one day, it was dirty but was mostly intact and you both sat it up in the corner
“Now you can see what I'm granted every day” he had said.
The fond memory brought a smile to your lips. You turned and raised your shirt, turning to examine the reflection. A gasp fled your lips as you saw it. A thin, pink bat stood firmly between your shoulder blades. ‘Did he put that there?’ You didn’t want to believe it but the answer was clear.

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