Broken toy

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White is a nice colour. It's the kind of colour you would see in a hospital or a clean office. The colour of lilies and snow. White was often portrayed as the colour that led people into the afterlife too. White, however, was the colour of the fog that opened its maw like an awaiting beast swallowed you whole.
  “Gon,” Killua whispered, “Let's move up.”
You could faintly see him smile in acknowledgement.
Okay! We don't want to lose sight of the examiner.”
The examiner moved quickly and the dense mist that settled over your eyes made his reasoning seem solid.
“I'm more concerned with increasing the distance between us and Hisoka.” KIllua reasoned back.
Hisoka was odd. That was the nicest way to explain it, but he made your skin crawl and you didn't like how he seemed to always know something that you don't.
“Staying too close to him is dangerous. I can smell it in the air.” You appreciated Killua being the one to bring it up.
  “I don't think he smells.” Gon mumbled.
It was cute how accepting he was but you wanted to keep them away from that freaky clown.
  “I agree with Killua, Gon,” you began “we should, no matter the reasoning, the fog is getting thick.”
Gon contemplated it and agreed.
“Leorio! Kurapika! Killua says that we should move up!”
“Moron! If I had the strength, I'd already be there!” Leorio shouted from somewhere behind us. Horrible screaming filled the fog around you.

  “No, please!” The man begged “It was an honest mistake! We didn't know!”
That didn't stop them, it didn't stop them at all.
Shalnark was a good person. He was always there for you and he showered you with affection. If you were to go back in time and tell yourself he was bad, you wouldn’t have been believed. He would never hurt anyone. Right? You found yourself beginning to question the happy blonde that you would have trusted with your life.
“Yo, Y/n” another kid with blue hair greeted you as you stepped into his makeshift home.
It wasn't as large as the one you and Shal shared but it was still nice. Kai was a nice kid, he was a few years older than you but you managed to get along. You had met one day when you were checking your usual food stores and quickly hit it off. Usually, you would tell Shal about any new friends you made, but a gut feeling told you to keep him a secret. Kai was older so he knew more, that was your logic anyway, but it proved true more often than not.
  “Hey,” he began, his tone was one you rarely hear in the city, concern. “We need to talk about something.”
You followed him as he gestured to an old chair in the room, taking note of the bruises that littered his body. Kai was no stranger to fights but he usually managed to get away safely.
“I’m planning on running away,” He cut straight to the chase and it startled you a bit, “and I want you to come with me.”
Running away? You had entertained the idea for a while, after all, meteor city was an awful place.
“What about Shal?” you questioned earnestly.
  “Y/n,” his voice took on a more brotherly tone, “that's why I want to leave.”
You were appalled, how could he say that?
“I know what you’re thinking,” he tried to reason, “you think that he’s such a great guy who would never hurt anyone right?”
  You nodded, unsure of where he was going.
“Y/n, he's manipulating you!”
You recoiled, it was rare for him to yell and it scared you.
“He got his little gang of friends to beat me up because I mentioned your name! He’s insane!” He seemed to notice that he was yelling and quickly lowered his voice.
“Haven’t you noticed anything weird about him?” You thought about that question.
Shal would never hurt someone, right? Sure, he always seemed to find the most expensive gifts, sure, one time he had a red stain on his shoes, and sure, you always seemed to space out anytime you brought up your concerns but he would never hurt you. Right? You slowly nodded to him.
“Look,” he sighed, “you’re like my sibling, I don't want to leave you behind.”
Silence suffocated that suddenly tiny room.
“Please just,” he faltered, “I'm leaving tomorrow. I’ve packed enough food and water for us to reach the next city. Think it over okay.”

  The ground dropped out beneath you and you found Gon, Killua, and yourself inside the stomach of a frog. You swore, why weren’t you watching the ground? Killua rummaged around for something in the dark and a hiss alerted you to something being opened. A low rumbling reverberated throughout the creature before it spat you all out.
“Guess he didn't like the taste of us.” Gon stated cheerfully.
How was he so positive about everything?
“We were literally just swallowed by a frog.” you deadpanned.
  “It was this.” Killua held a can of orange soda up.
“That was from Tonpa!” Gon exclaimed excitedly.
‘Guess he was good for something.’
“I'm still worried about Leorio and Kurapika.” Gon raised the valid concern.
  ”Forget about them. Let's get a move on.”
You wanted to go back for the other two but felt like you needed to protect Gon and Killua. You weren't sure of when you decided that they were important, after all, you had just met this group hours earlier. Maybe you just wanted to give someone what you couldn't have. Gon paused and you stopped behind him.
“Gon?” He tilted his head into the air and sniffed.
“This way.” He only gave you a few seconds to register what he said before he ran off in another direction.
  Should you go with Killua or follow Gon? Deciding that since Killua was following the group and Gon was going in another direction, you would follow Gon. You wanted your licence, you really did, but this child’s health somehow topped it. You both approached a clearing where the fog seemed to lift. Hisoka stood in the middle of the field, corpses littered the ground, blood pooling around them. Kurapika stood near the treeline while Leorio charged Hisoka.

You loved him but Kai raised some valid points. You couldn't deny your growing suspicions anymore and you were going to confront him tonight.
“Not now darling.” He collected his normal things and prepared for a job.
‘He never called me darling before, No! Stop.’ you were going to confront him.
“I need to talk to you.”
He slipped his shoes on and turned to hug you. “I'll be back tomorrow, this job is important.”
“I need to ask you some things. I love you but,”
He cut you off.
“I love you too, don't miss me too much.” He responded with a wink and left.
‘Fine.’ you accepted that he wasn't going to listen to you.
‘If he doesn't want to talk, I'll find out on my own.’

  Gon lept from the bushes where you stood, rushing at Hisoka. To everyone’s shock, he landed a blow. Years seemed to pass in seconds before Hisoka’s visage morphed into one of strange ecstasy.
“Mm, I adore that look on your face.” he groaned.
“Not bad, little boy. Is that a fishing pole? What a fascinating weapon. Allow me a closer look.”
He moved faster than your eyes could comprehend, appearing as if he were teleporting. The fear he inspired turned to disgust as he spoke with Gon.
“Your fight is with me!'' shouted Leorio.
He rushed at Hisoka and raised his fists. Faster than he could react, Hisoka’s fist collided with his chin. Leorio collapsed in a heap on the floor.
“You came to rescue your friend? Such a good boy.”
Disgust melded with anger form a sour knot in your chest. Gon swung his fishing rod at where Hisoka should’ve been but he moved too fast.
“How wonderful. I really do love that look.” He praised.
Gon ran behind Hisoka and swung at him, unfortunately getting too close. Hisoka’s hand wrapped around his throat, hoisting the child into the air. You had enough. You rushed in and prepared to fight, his amused face turning towards you. Seconds before you reached him, he dropped Gon and stepped back. You stumbled and fell a few metres from the two. Hisoka said something to Gon that you couldn't hear, then stood up. He swung Leorio over his shoulder and turned towards you.
“As much as I would love to play,” he began, a grin stretching across his face, “I'm not allowed to play with someone else’s toy.”
Your face contorted in confusion and he only smiled wider.
“You don't think he forgot about you, did you? Can you find your own way back?” he asked Gon who only wordlessly nodded.
Then he was gone.

A marionette's dance (Yandere!ShalnarkXreaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora