Chapter 1: Freddie POV

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*quick author's note: this faceclaim for freddie is charles devilmorin from pinterest if i am not allowed to use said image please let me know in comments also just to let you know this story will use all four main characters pov's in alternating order unless i decide that gets too confusing in which case i'll just use freddie & violet okay thanks bye*

It was Sunday night. I had coursework due tomorrow that I'd had MONTHS to complete but of course I was finishing it last minute. 10pm was the exact time. Fuck it, I thought. I best dm Violet. She would be awake at this time, right? We were both insomniacs since secondary, after all.

fredbrown07: hey vi, u up? ik it's late but i'm bored isn't our coursework due tonight? quit procrastinating
fredbrown07: alright don't call me out, i'd rather do anything else i submitted mine a week ago
fredbrown07: i hate you i love you too mwah
fredbrown07: what are you up doing then? oh just thinking abt chlo
fredbrown07: you mean my girlfriend? DUDE UR GAY. you know i'm the one who likes her plus don't act like you're any better with the way you were looking at nirved yesterday
fredbrown07: fuck don't get me started, chloe caught me and i had to cover it up I KNOW IT WAS SO AWKWARD LMAO
fredbrown07: we really need to stop with these double dates probably but oh well
fredbrown07: right i should stop putting off my work before i get kicked off the course /hj bye luv ya love u too man, don't sleep too late

I sighed. Our situation seriously couldn't be any worse. I'm a gay man dating a woman & my best friend Vi is a lesbian dating a man. Despite the fact that Vi could get any lady she wants (she's way more confident than I am that's for sure) we happen to be dating eachother's crushes. A silly idea we came up with because we're both closeted. It's annoying bc Violet's parents are lovely and accepting people and my parents are so Catholic, me coming out would cause them a joint heart attack.

Due to this mess, me & Vi along with our partners, constantly go on really fun double dates. Well, fun is one word to describe it. Don't get me wrong, Chloe is great. I'm not just sating that for the sake of it either. Aside from Violet, she's my fave person in the universe. I just wish she was a he. I hate myself for it. My parents Catholic identity means it would "ruin their image having a gay son". In reality, they've known I was gay since I begged for a princess dress when I was just five. The thing is, I think they want to support me. They love everything but my queerness. I just don't think they get the whole "gay thing". They believe the stereotype that gay men are all perverted and constantly having anal sex. It's ironic that i'm a gay virgin. Going back to Chloe, I couldn't have picked a more masculine girl. Helps with the whole straight delusion, I suppose. I'll never forget the look on my parents face when I first brought Chlo home. Two words. Pleasant surprise. They thought their boy was "finally cured". What a load of shit. Although, they did think she was a boy at first, due to her presentation, which actually made her smile. She's a long haired skater with an androgynous voice who smokes and adores baggy flannel and band tees. Chloe would be the love of my life if she wasn't a girl. My life would be so much easier if I loved her as is.

*sexual content warning: wet dream*

I didn't end up falling to sleep until 3am, handing in my coursework a minute before midnight. My head felt fuzzy and my bed felt wet as I woke up. My dream was uhh sexual in nature, to say the least. It was all about Chloe, except in the dream her name was Ezra and she was a guy. "Ezra" was topping me with a smirk plastered to his face, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. A lot of Spanish petnames. He coated my neck in hickies, like some sort of vampire.

*warning over*

I awoke at exactly 6:30am. Perfect. Time to dm my lovely GIRLfriend. Not a guy.

itzchlo: good morning pretty boy
fredbrown07: good morning my love, did you sleep well last night?
itzchlo: got an early night, i've managed to get 10 hours of sleep
fredbrown07: YOU LUCKY FUCK. i got three and half hours :(
itzchlo: ha u silly goose, did u manage to finish ur coursework in time?
fredbrown07: surprisingly yes, although it was at the very last minute
itzchlo: ofc it was, i'm proud of u anyways
i'll see you at school, love u
fredbrown07: love u too gorgeous girl

I cringed so hard typing that. "Gorgeous girl". Really taking on this straightsona huh? God today was gonna be so uncomfortable, after last night's kinky dream. It's fine, right? I love Chloe, even if it's just platonically. Maybe those feelings will develop over time. They have to surely. I grabbed some random clothes from my floordrobe, without a second thought.

Despite waking up so early, I always skip breakfast. Bad habit, I know. I ruffled my stupid messy blonde hair awkwardly in the mirror, as I swished my awfully strong mouthwash back and forth, through my teeth.
I can't remember the last time I actually brushed my teeth. Talk about depressed. Maybe that's why my gums seem to bleed all the time. Thank god Violet is in my course but Chloe isn't. We both do English Literature but Chloe does Criminology. Which is honestly such a cool sounding course. Even if I slightly fear it. Me and Vi spend half the time in class writing poetry. Mine is sappy and gay and Violet's is political usually. I admire her strong beliefs. She's good at knowing how she feels about things but I don't even give myself a chance to think of these things. Anyways back to the here and now, it was finally time for me to leave the house. Just as I opened my door,
I was greeted with a surprise. Chloe.
"I thought I could walk you to college"
Today is going to be great.

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