chapter 9

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Ha-na never indulged in silly things. She was a firm believer in doing what she had to do before having fun.

She was one of the few Ravenclaws that was dedicated to her studies and not interested in otherworldly creatures. She didn't care. Her words were "been there, done that". Ha-na could not easily be deterred from her goals, so when Jordan Lee mustered up the courage to invite her to a party that the Gryffindor 7th-years were throwing, she said no.

"Oh, come on." Jordan followed her around the library. His voice dropped to a whisper when Madam Pince glared daggers their way. "It's simply a light little party after a long week of school."

Ha-na scoffed, "nothing is light or little with Gryffindors." She grabbed a book and tucked it under her arm.

Jordan couldn't help but smirk and take it as a compliment. He took the book from her, offering to hold it while they walked.

"Be there for three hours. Three hours and then I'll walk you to Ravenclaw's fancy schmancy tower." Ha-na stopped and stared at him, "Promise."

She raised a brow and continued walking. Jordan had no idea what she was looking for, so he couldn't help. Madam Pince was never much help either, sneering at any student that came close to her. Jordan was only trying to prevent Ha-na from becoming like Madam Pince.

"Fine. Two hours?"

He continued to nag her, making sure to stay out of her way. When Ha-na led them to a table, Jordan struggled to carry all the books. He gently set them down, not wanting Madam Pince to kick them out.

"You drive a hard bargain-"

"Okay," Ha-na whispered, her patience wearing thin. "I'll go. For thirty minutes. As soon as the time runs out, I'm leaving."

A wide smile quickly replaced Jordan's shock, "YES!"

Madam Pince wagged a finger and threatened them.

"I'm sorry!" He whispered. "Okay, thirty minutes. That's great!" He settled down on the chair next to her.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to wait until you're done." Jordan placed his head between his arms, watching Ha-na begin her research process.

"This might take a while."

"It's fine."

Harry entered the common room to be more lively than usual. He looked for his friends, hoping they had an answer to what was going on.

"What's happening?" Harry asked Ron over the music.

Students from different grades and houses were slowly piling in. They'd have to change their password after this.

"Fred and George are throwing a launch party for their products." Ron gestured to the candies on display, "it was supposed to be small, but people spread the word and now it's going to be a full-blown party."

Hermione crossed her arms, "this is so irresponsible."

The boys gave her a look. Hermione was many things for sure, but she was not the sweet, innocent student she was usually portrayed as.


They decided it was wisest not to answer that.

Ron leaned into Harry, "maybe Mary will be here."

The two attempted to look for her, but it was difficult when no one seemed to know who she was. They got nowhere.

The thought of her attending the party made him interested. Who invited her? Who told her about the party? Who did she hang out with? Who was she when she wasn't with him? There were so many questions Harry had. He hoped he would see her.

Harry was hoping that he hadn't made himself delusional. 

"Did I make you wait long?" Rosemary took George's offered arm.

He smiled, "yes. But it was worth it."

Rosemary thought George was the softspoken one, the quieter twin. She was wrong. George and Fred were equally disastrous and spontaneous.

"Quite the flirt, aren't you?"

"Only with girls I find interesting."

Rosemary let George lead the way to the Gryffindor common room, wondering how the night will turn out to be.

Jordan and Ha-na were walking down the stairs together. Jordan slightly jogged to catch up with them while Ha-na scratched idly at her nail polish.

"You managed to convince Ha-na to attend?" Rosemary raised a brow. George slapped Jordan on the back.

"Well, you know me, I was just gushing about wanting to go to a party and Lee managed to save me the trouble of finding one." Ha-na shrugged her shoulders, "I'm only going to be there for thirty minutes." 

Rosemary found the situation laughable. She never imagined her friend, the untamable shrewd and the jokester commentator would walk together to a party. Life was full of mysteries. 

The party was in full swing. The guests seemed to be doing just fine with only one of the three hosts. Fred had entered his party mode and it'd be a while before he switched it off. 

Fred stumbled through the crowd, apologizing for crushing someone's foot. "Georgie! Lee!" He gave the boys a side hug, "ladies."

"Where's McGonagall? Isn't she supposed to be supervising?"

Fred brushed aside their worries, "Don't worry, Towler has got that covered."

 "Kenneth Towler?" Lee's eyes widened and he looked at George.

A small smile crept onto Fred's face. 

Rosemary was beyond lost. She looked at Ha-na for help, but she was already checked out of the conversation. 

"That's the poor bloke that you put Bulbadox powder in his pajamas. He's watching McGonagall? I thought he hated your guts for making his skin break out in boils." 

Fred shrugged and led the way to the front of the crowd. "Excuse me! Students, children, fellow classmates." 

The crowd fell silent and the music stopped. Everyone turned to look at the group. 

Rosemary didn't mind the attention, but she wasn't expecting it. 

"Hello everyone, I am Fred Weasley, that over there is my flesh and blood, George." He pointed to George. 

George grinned and waved at everyone. 

"I thought everyone already knew them?" Rosemary whispered to Ha-na.

Ha-na rolled her eyes and sat down, "they do. It's their flare for theatrics." 

The crowd cheered and George smiled Rosemary. It was almost like he was trying to show off his influence. She smiled back. George was a fun boy. He was exciting and gave her the thrill of adrenaline she was looking for. Rosemary was ready to flip to a new chapter. 

Harry was the boy next door. The boy who held memories of her home. The boy who looked at her like she was the moon, shining light throughout the dark night. He was not here. 

George bent down and gave her his hand. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm trying to properly introduce you to Hogwarts." He grinned. George was a different type of irresistible. She couldn't remember why she stopped him that night in the classroom. 

As she took his hand, preparing herself to be pushed into the spotlight, she stopped in her tracks. Her smile dropped and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. 

Across her, with a cup in his hand stood Harry. 

Her Harry.

a/n: the way i posted on my announcements that i deactivated my acc but i literally just finished writing this chp + there's no way i can resist uploading it lmfao 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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