chapter three

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ROSEMARY GLANCED at the stars, weakly muttering a goodbye to Jerry.

She wondered if Harry was watching the stars too. Maybe it was daytime where he was, or maybe he was sprawled out on the grass looking at the same stars.

Rosemary didn't see him leave. She took one look at his house and knew that no one was home. Her eyes slowly drifted to her own house and she asked herself if she should use the front door.

Realizing that it was far too dark and too much effort to climb up the roof, she took out her house key.

The truck parked behind her was a silent reminder that her father was home, so it would be any minute before her mother came home.

"Mary!" Her father's voice carried throughout the house. He was in the kitchen, making dinner.

Oliver was a good man. Simple. He knew what he wanted and he went for it. He was quiet but communicated his feelings well. Oliver was also a good house-husband.

Yes, he had a job but often neglected it to care for his family. In other words, Oliver was a family man.

"Dad." Rosemary greeted, sitting on the couch. Her eyes watched the clock's hand, it could be any moment now.

"Eddie's coming tomorrow, so I'll be stepping out with your mother."

Eddie, her dad's poor manager. He was responsible for ensuring Oliver completed his manuscripts and was on time with his deadlines. Unfortunately for Eddie, Oliver was a 'free spirit'.

"How long will you be gone?"

Oliver dusted his hands on his apron, a cutesy purple-colored thing. "About a week. He's relentless."

"A week?"

She had things to do. Places to be.

"Dad, school starts tomorrow!" Rosemary pointed at the calendar.

The calendar was color-coded and well organized, thanks to her dad.

"Can't Jerry drive you?"

"Like that's something I can ask." She rolled her eyes. "No. I can't ask him."

He shrugged his shoulders, turning off the stove. "Want to eat something before your mother comes home?"

Rosemary wanted to say yes but the keys jangling at the door made her flinch. She quickly stood, "um, I think I'll go upstairs. Now."

Oliver nodded. There was sadness in his stare. She hated it.

"I'm home!" The cheery voice of her mother made her stop in her tracks. "What's for dinner?"

Rosemary didn't want to ruin the sweet airy tune her mother's words made when they came out of her mouth. She didn't want to ruin the image of her hardworking and kind mother.

She knew if she turned to look at her, the image would be shattered like it had been so many times over.


Her name sounded like nails on a chalkboard.


"Look at me."

Rosemary hesitated, but not for long. She turned and faced the same grey eyes she had.

Her mother covered her mouth and fell to her knees, the keys falling from her hands just like the smile fell off her face. Her face twisted into a horrified look and tears sprang from her eyes.

The words rang inside of Rosemary's head, echoing. It wasn't the first time she heard them spill from her mother's mouth, but the heart-shattering pain never failed to take her breath away.


"GET AWAY FROM ME." She shrieked.

Oliver scrambled to her side, whispering her name in her ear. "Juliet." Sometimes it came out like a prayer, other times it was a plea.

Rosemary's eyes watered but the tears didn't fall. They never did. Not in front of them at least.

"Go upstairs, Mary." He ordered.

She nodded. Juliet would calm down when Rosemary leaves, she always did.

Rosemary tried her best to understand why her mother reacted to her like that, but it was difficult. It hurt when she knew she was the reason her mother suffered so much.
To know that she was all her mother despised.

"It's not my fault." Her voice cracked, running a hand through her hair. She gripped it and wished to tear it out.

Rosemary paced around her room, breathing heavily. She stopped in front of the mirror, tilting her head before she walked to it and smashed it. With her fist.

When that didn't feel like enough, she grabbed her skateboard from the corner and threw it at the already shattered mirror.

Rosemary fell onto her bed, grabbed and pillow, and screamed into it.

Violence was the best way she knew how to deal with her feelings.

So she made a plan.

She waited for her parents to fall asleep and snuck into their room.

Juliet looked peaceful as she slept, her father did too but he must've been in pain. This wasn't his ideal family after all.

Rosemary stared at her mother, tears falling.

"I'm so done with your shit." She whispered.

With shaky hands, she pulled out her weapon. She gripped her wand, vividly remembering why she was expelled from Beauxbatons; a girl's school in France.

She pointed the wand at her mother's face, the killing curse surfing through her mind.

Rosemary scoffed, angrily putting away her wand and stomping out of the room.
She slammed their door, not caring if they woke up or not. It didn't matter because she wasn't going to be home when they looked for her.

She had many other places she could crash at. Jerry's place was always an option or her skating buddy that lived two streets over. Despite all of her 'never-ending' options, she found herself staring at Harry's house. She knew he wasn't home, but man would she love a quick fuck.

Rosemary spent the night at Jerry's house. Very predictable. She'd be able to return tomorrow since Rosemary was house-sitting for a week.

It was horrible timing.

ROSEMARY - h.potterWhere stories live. Discover now