chapter four

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EDDIE WALTER cursed his life.

Today was Friday, the fifth day he'd come by to see if Oliver was in.

His daughter had given up on opening the door for him, she'd just yell at him from the window.

"He's not here!" She rolled her eyes, "and he won't be for a while."

Eddie knelt, "please! Please, Mary, just tell me where he is. I'll do anything for a location."

Rosemary felt bad for him. She didn't think he'd come back after the second day, but here he was, pleading.
"Go away. I don't know where he is."

Tears welled up in his eyes like they did every day. He'd start sobbing and ask God for a sign about a career change. Then he'd ask if he could come inside for a cup of tea, out of pity Rosemary would allow him inside. Of course, she'd soon come to regret it because he would start to complain to her about her father.

"I'm packing for school, so I'm busy today."

Eddie perked up, "so will your father be home to drop you off at that fancy school of yours?"

"No. He's not coming home, so scram. No tea today."

School had begun this week on Monday. She'd missed the first week. The first week was the most important. It was when everyone established their groups and social standings.

Rosemary prayed that this year would be better than her years at Beauxbaton.

"Things will be different this year."

"Just because you say the words out loud doesn't mean it'll be true."

Rosemary whipped around. Her three best friends stood at the room's entrance.

"Ha-na! Don't scare the shit out of me." She placed a hand over her heart. "How did you guys get in?"

Jerry pointed at himself. "Car. Vroom Vroom."

Karina lay on the floor and curled up. "It's cold in here."

Ha-na kicked her stomach on her way to the bed. When she sat, she twirled her hair. "So, are we going or what? I didn't skip a week of school for nothing."

Jerry was their uber. He'd be their ride to Hogwarts, the school Ha-na attends as a Ravenclaw. Don't be fooled by her house, she was a ruthless nerd. Ha-na could lure you in with a smile and slit you with her mouth. She came from a rich family, so Ha-na usually got away with her attitude.

Rosemary peeked out the window, noticing that Eddie was still there.

Jerry began to pack Rosemary's bag, despising her procrastination. "You were supposed to be ready before we got her."

"I got distracted by the homeless-looking man outside."

"That's frightening. Why is he here?" Karina was the scaredy cat. She's a kind-hearted soul but has been sheltered her entire life.

Her fragile heart almost flew out of her chest when she found out her two best friends were witches. She seemed more shocked when she saw that Jerry was a wizard too. Now, Karina was disappointed to not have been blessed with magic.

"Let's go ladies. This is going to be a long drive, we need to get going now if you want to get there on time."

Scoffing, Rosemary picked up her suitcase. "Are you saying that we'll make you late because you think people of color never leave on time?"

Jerry stopped walking. He hated when they did this to him. There were two problems for Jerry in this friend group. The first one was that he was a boy hanging out with a group of girls that were five years younger. The second problem was the bigger issue for him.

He was white.

"Oh my gosh. Guys, I already said sorry for being white." He continued walking. "What more do you want me to do? Stand in the mirror and cry while looking at my skin color?" Jerry waved his friends over, "let's just go. Karina, you know you can't come, right?"

Karina stopped in her tracks, forgetting that this was one thing she could never relate to. "Oh, yeah. I'll go home then. Keep in contact," she laid back on the floor, "see you when you come back, Jerry."

Rosemary took one last look at Karina and gave a small salute paired with a smile. "Until next time, Karina."

"Don't get into trouble."

Ha-na smiled mischievously and Rosemary winked, "no promises."

She eyed her skateboard and sighed, shoving it under her arm. She'd find an excuse to use it sooner or later.

"Onward!" Jerry echoed from the hall.

Rosemary had a feeling this year would be different than all of the rest, she just hoped it would be on the better side of things.

HARRY STRUGGLED with handling his anxiety.

He hadn't known if he was allowed to return to Hogwarts until the other day.

Court had been stressful but seeing his godfather helped ease him.

Today was Sunday and things were peaceful, for once. He'd finally gotten around to unpacking his bag. Things have been hectic ever since he left Rosemary's side.

Groaning, he faceplanted onto his pillow. He missed her. He missed her a lot.

"What's wrong with you?" His best friend threw a blanket over his head.

Harry lifted his head and glared at Ron. It was their fifth year at Hogwarts, so they had both started to grow up from their baby faces. Harry had to admit that his friend was growing up nicely. On the other hand, Harry avoided staring in the mirror.


"You've got the face of someone in love," Ron laughed, laying on his bed. "As if you'd have the time to fall for someone."

Harry frowned, taking full offense to this. There's no way his best friend underestimated the pull he had as the Chosen One. He mentally cringed, remembering that Cho completely dodged him last year and his last crush was his best friend's sister who was on and off with Dean. Harry is socially awkward and the words that usually come out of his mouth are laced with confusion or sarcasm. He thought of his lanky body and blushed at the fact that Rosemary had seen it all and said nothing bad.

Her name alone gave him the confidence he often found himself lacking. "I have time."

"Yeah? When? D'ya have a summer love or something?"

Ron snickered and tucked himself into bed.

He was tired from Hermione's pestering. When Harry remained silent, Ron rose. "What is it, mate? You've gone and got yourself a lover haven't you?" He groaned dramatically. "What's her name?"

Harry hesitated. He didn't want to share her name with others, she was his and his alone. The memory of Rosemary meeting his eyes for the first time brought goosebumps down his arms. Harry didn't want to share those intimate moments with anyone. He chewed on his bottom lip, wondering if he was ready to say her name to someone else.


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