Welcome to Wonderland

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She see the white rabbit in a waistcoat. She started to follow him, but he jumped in a rabbit hole and she also jumped in the rabbit hole. he fell infinitly in darkness. She tried to find her way back up by touch, but couldn’t because she was in an invisible place that no light could penetrate into. She saw a figure walking in front of her, and it kept disappearing and reappearing until she finally reach out for it. The figure stopped moving when she touched it, and she could hear a voice behind the person saying “Alice…” before everything went black.
she woke up. she found herself still in a forest, not knowing where she was. She didn't want to stay here, so she decided to leave the forest. She looked around, trying to get her bearings.There were lots of trees surrounding her, and they were all big and green and beautiful. She walked towards the forest, but suddenly a noise coming from the other side of the forest caught her attention. She heard people arguing about something, and she couldn't understand what was going on because she couldn't really talk or see, only sense things. She started to go where the sounds were from. She got closer and closer until she can hear it clearly. the voices were louder now and she can recognize them easily. it was a dodo, a mouse, two persons and the white rabbit in a waistcoat.
"She's the wrong Alice !" said the mouse to the white rabbit "Why do I have to be the one who goes to find" said the white rabbit "Besides she's the right one."  the mouse pointed at Alice, making him notice her presence. He turned his head and saw her standing there, looking at them with a weird expression, she was holding her hands in front of her as if she wanted to grab something, but nothing happened. Alice looked scared. the mouse approached her while walking. she moved backwards in fright, but soon she realized she was cornered by the tree. there is nowhere for her to go. the mouse approached her. Alice stepped back in panic. she was shaking like crazy. she felt the fear getting more intense with each second passing by. the mouse stopped advancing and started talking to her again, this time he said her name."Alice… I'm sorry that we meet like this. You look so scared…" she just nodded and continued to shake "We're your friends…" She nodded again, this time more sure. she felt less scared. she felt like she wasn't alone anymore. she took small steps towards the mouse, and he put his arms around her to comfort her. "You don't know why you're here, Alice. But we know why, and we need your help.""The red Queen is going mad again, you have to stop her" said one of the twin  brothers "you have to save us from the red Queen." The other twin came to Alice and spoke to her "You must remember our names" "humm... no I don't really remember, sorry" said Alice. The twin of the left said "I'm  Tweedledee" and the twin of the right said "I'm Tweedledum" the mouse said "I'm Mallymkun !"
Alice repeated their names after hearing them, trying to remember them. After a few seconds Alice asked "what are these names again?" Tweedledee gave a sigh of relief, and replied  "Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Now remember our names, Alice."  Alice thought for a moment  then  "Tweedledum, Tweedledum, Tweedledeedeedeedeeee," she said slowly and loudly, making the twin of the right laugh nervously. "What did you say?" she repeated with a serious look "I said 'Twiddle dum dee Dumdumdum!' that's what I told you! DUM DUMDUM DUM DUMDUMDUM"
Alice laughed along with them. She looked around a bit before asking "where are we?" She didn't recognize where she was at the moment. She didn't even know where the red queen might be."Well Alice", said Tweedledum "We are in Wonderland."
Here is the first chapter, I hope you like it and I'm already starting to write the second chapter!!! :)

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