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"That's not the way you're supposed to do it Dad. They want us to do it this way." Dash says as Bob is trying to help him with his math homework while Alexis is working on history homework.

"I don't know that way! Why would they change math?" Bob says in annoyance.

"It's not so much that they change it rather as our knowledge get more expansive so do our ways of figuring things out." Alexis says as Bob looks at her.

"It's okay Dad." Dash says.

"Math is math!" Bob shouts angrily.

"I'll just wait for Mom to get back." Dash says as Bob looks at him.

"What? She won't understand it any better than I do..." Bob says as he gets cut off by the sound of the TV before he leaves the room.


"Alexis can I borrow your phone?" Dash asks as he is in his room with Alexis.

"Uh sure?" Alexis says curiously as she gives Dash her phone before he starts calling someone.

"Hey Mom. I can't find my high-tops and Dad can't find them either. But he won't call you and ask so I am." Dash says.

"Do not call your mother!" Bob shouts furiously as Alexis sees something under Dash's bed.

"Dash?" Alexis asks.

"What?" Dash asks as he sees Alexis holding his high-tops.

"Found them." Alexis says as she hands Dash his shoes.

"Again best girlfriend ever." Dash says happily.

"Can we go to bed now please?" Alexis asks as she puts her phone up.

"Yep. You uh.. You wanna sleep with me in my bed?" Dash asks as Alexis blushes deeply.

"Dash!" Alexis says annoyedly.

"Hey I don't mean it like that. I just mean since you can't be with your parents you may like the company." Dash says nervously.

"Oh okay. Yes I would very much love that. Still wish I knew why they won't tell me anything. It's like they don't want me to come home for some reason." Alexis says as she and Dash climb into the bed before Alexis lays her head on Dash's shoulder.

"Alexis I'm sure it'll be okay. I mean your parents know you're a super. They know you can handle yourself either way." Dash says in attempt to comfort Alexis.

"I hope so. I miss them." Alexis says sadly.

"How long had they known you were a super?" Dash asks curiously.

"Three years. Two years before I met you. I met them when I was four years old. They accepted me regardless. It just makes me wonder why they're acting strangely is all." Alexis says.

"If they haven't done anything to reject you before I doubt they will now. They're just one of the people who accept us. They probably just want you to be here for now because it's safer away from back home." Dash says.

"Maybe." Alexis says as she falls asleep beside Dash.


"Boys are jerks and superheroes suck." Violet says grumpily as Bob is making waffles the next morning.

"Good morning!" Bob says happily.

"He takes one look at me in that suit and decides to pretend he doesn't even know me." Violet says annoyedly.

"Well he's protecting himself. If he really did see you it's best that he forget. It's better for you too. I can't tell you how many memories Dicker's had to erase over the years when someone figured out your mother's or my identity. I figure they did the same to Alexis's parents since he asked who knew about her." Bob says as Alexis drops her fork in shock.

"It was... Dicker! You told him about Tony!?" Violet asks angrily.

"Honey..." Bob says.

"You had me erased from Tony's mind! I hated superheroes and i renounce them! I renounce them!" Violet shouts as she leaves the room before coming back to try and destroy her suit in the garbage disposal with no luck before leaving again.

"Is she having adolescence?" Dash asks as he looks at Bob.

"Says the boy who asked if I wanted to sleep in his bed last night." Alexis thinks as she gets up from the table.

"Alexis are you okay?" Dash asks in concern as he sees Alexis have an emotionless expression.

"Truth? No. No I am not. I honestly don't know how to feel at the moment. At least now I know why my parents won't let me come home. They don't know I'm a super and probably are thinking I'll be safer staying here for now instead of back home. If you'll excuse me I'm gonna go for a run." Alexis says as she shifts into a wolf and runs out the door and into the woods.


"Why did we drive all the way across town for The Happy Platter?" Violet asks as the group arrives in the Happy Platter restaurant.

"We'd like a booth over there near the philodendron. Good right? Near the philodendron." Bob says as a waitress places them in the requested booth.

"This platter doesn't look all that happy to me. It looks bored." Violet says unimpressed.

"Ha-ha! The Bored Platter!" Dash says as he laughs causing Alexis to smile slightly.

"I thought Vi would want a change of pace from drive-in food." Bob says.

"I like drive-in food." Violet says as a waiter places cups on their table and fills them with water.

"Does this mean vegetables?" Dash asks annoyedly.

"A balanced diet means vegetables kiddo." Bob says.

"Part of life but some aren't too bad. Some are delicious. Just gotta find the ones you really like." Alexis says as Violet takes a drink from her cup.

"Good evening, everyone." The waiter says revealing to be Tony before Violet spits water from her nose and coughs as Tony cleans up the water as Bob tries to talk to him.

"Would you like water sir?" Tony asks.

"Yes. Yes I would. This is my daughter who you must know right?" Bob asks as Tony looks at Violet.

"Hello." Tony says.

"Violet." Bob says.

"Hello Violet." Tony says as he waves kindly while Violet gives a slight wave back but refuses to look at him.

"Hey Vi say hi to..." Bob then gets cut off by Violet.

"Don't push it Dad." Violet says annoyedly.

"I'm Dash her little brother. This is my beautiful girlfriend Alexis." Dash says as he places an arm around Alexis causing her to blush.

"Hi." Alexis says nervously.

"Hello." Tony says kindly as Bob takes a drink from his cup.

"Mmm. This is really good water. It's very refreshing. Spring water is it?" Bob asks as he smiles.

"I don't know sir. I think it's tap." Tony says.

"Well, it is very good." Bob says kindly.

"Excellent tap." Dash says kindly.

"Excuse me." Violet says as she gets up and leaves.

"Well nice to meet you." Tony says before walking off.

"Where'd she go?" Bob asks as he looks for Violet.

"Mmm. To find a good place to be angry?" Dash says.

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