New Home

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"Mr. Deavor it's wonderful... but it's too generous. But whose house? Is it a house?" Helen asks as she is talking on the phone while the group is in a limo before seeing a huge house in the distance.

"I don't know what to say." Helen says.

"How about thanks?" Bob asks as he sees the house.


"This is our new house?" Dash asks excitedly as the group goes inside the house.

"Okay easy tiger. It's being loaned to us." Helen says as the group looks around inside.

"This is homey." Violet says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Look at this place. Deavor bought it from an eccentric billionaire who liked to come and go without being seen so the house has multiple hidden exits." Bob says.

"Good thing we won't stand out. Wouldn't want to attract any unnecessary attention." Violet says as she looks at her parents.

"It's got a big yard!" Dash shouts as he looks out a window.

"Ooh! I wanna see! Oh I feel like a puppy this much greenery around." Alexis says excitedly as she runs over to beside Dash.

"Alexis no powers remember?" Helen asks as Alexis looks outside happily.

"Hey I am a wolf. What can I say? Besides I can act the part of a wolf without using my powers and I rarely get to go anywhere but the city. To me I'm like a kid in a candy store right now." Alexis says happily.

"Isn't this a bit much?" Helen asks as dash runs around.

"Would you rather be at the motel?" Bob asks smugly.

"And a pool!" Dash shouts as he jumps into the pool causing Alexis to laugh.

"What exactly is Mom's new job?" Violet asks.

"The important thing is we're out of the motel." Bob says as Alexis and Violet look at him unimpressed while Dash runs around the house.

"Looks like dash found a remote control. Ah!" Alexis says as the floor comes out from under her and causes her to fall into some water before shifting to wolf form and she climbs out growling slightly.

"Oops! Sorry Alexis!" Dash shouts.

"It's okay! Remind to watch my step from now on please." Alexis says as she looks at Violet before shaking the water off.

"Long as he has that remote good luck with that." Violet says.


"No Sugar Bombs on my watch." Bob says as he keeps Dash from eating some sugar bombs the next morning.

"Dash.. Vending machines at school. Enough for one snack." Alexis says as she hands Dash some money under the table.

"You are the best girlfriend ever." Dash says happily as he puts the money in his pocket.

"Mmm just don't let your dad see it. Besides I owed you after you brought me lunch a while back that day." Alexis says as she smiles while eating her cereal fiber bar.

"Where's Mom?" Dash asks as he eats some cereal Bob poured in his bowl.

"She's up and out. She's at her new job doing hero work." Bob says.

"But I thought superheroes were still illegal?" Alexis asks curiously.

"They are for now." Bob says as he washes a plate.

"So Mom is getting paid to break the law?" Violet asks unimpressed.

"She's not breaking.. She's an advocate for superheroes. It's a new job." Bob says annoyedly.

"So Mom is going out illegally to explain why she shouldn't be illegal." Violet says.

"Hey... Hey! The bus is here! Whoa! Grab your stuff quickly! Go on get on the... Put your homework in your pack!" Bob shouts as Alexis, Dash, and Violet run out to the bus.

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