The Underminer

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"I am always beneath you but nothing is beneath me! I hereby declare war on peace and happiness! Soon all will tremble before me!" The Underminer shouts.

"You three stay here." Bob says as the group runs over to some cars in their costumes.

"Wait. Should we be doing this? It is still illegal." Helen asks.

"We're gonna lose him." Bob says annoyedly as he gestures to the Underminer moving.

"Oh all right. Two of you patrol the perimeter. Keep the crowds back and safe. The other watch after Jack-Jack." Helen says.

"But I thought we were gonna go with-" Violet then gets cut off by Bob.

"You heard your mother. Trampoline me!" Bob shouts as he and Helen start to go fight with the Underminer.

"I call perimeter!" Dash shouts as he starts to run off.

"You're not going anywhere you little maggoty creep!" Violet shouts as she puts a forcefield around Dash only for him to get away before Violet throws down her mask as Alexis sees someone get out from under a car.

"Uh Vi." Alexis says as the group sees Tony.

"Oh. Tony! Hi. Uh this isn't what you think it is." Violet says before Tony runs off.

"Vi?" Alexis asks concernedly as Violet puts her mask back on while Alexis is handling Jack-Jack's stroller.

"Everybody stay back! Okay? Stay back!" Dash shouts as some people look at him before he runs off.

"You're not sticking us with babysitting! Come on Alexis." Violet says as she and Alexis run after Dash with Jack-Jack before finding Dash and leaving Jack-Jack with him as Alexis and Violet run off while beginning to protect the crowd of people.

"Violet, Alexis! Who's watching Jack-Jack?!" Helen shouts as Alexis and Violet begin running next to the drill.

"Dash is watching him!" Alexis shouts.

"Here girls. You take him!" Bob shouts as he hands Jack-Jack to Violet as Helen jumps into the drill.

"It's headed for City Hall!" Bob shouts as he sees the city hall ahead.

"Mom needs help!" Dash shouts as the group climbs onto the drill before getting inside where Helen is.

"Bob! Help me with the boiler!" Helen shouts as Bob pushes the boiler out.

"That should do it! What are you kids doing!? Get outta here! This thing's gonna blow!" Helen shouts worriedly as she sees the kids.

"There's no time!" Violet shouts as she puts a forcefield around the group protecting them from the blast before the group sees they beat the drill.

"We did it!" Dash shouts happily.

"Yeah we did!" Alexis says happily as Dash hugs her.

"Freeze Supers!" A voice shouts angrily as the group sees officers pointing weapons at them.

"Oh what did we do?" Bob asks before the group is placed under arrest.

We Do This Together The Incredibles Dash X OC Alexisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن