y/n smiled a little. "y'know what, i wouldn't mind korea that much."

"oh my babys leaving so soon! what are we gonna do without you, y/n." her friend katie said, frowning as she held y/n's hands. katie, elissa, and candi were y/n's best friends, her closest friends since elementary. they were insanely disappointed when they found out she'd be gone in korea for a while, but lightened up when she said she'd visit during the holidays.

"you guys will be fine, ya wont die or anything." she rolled her eyes at the girls, a small smile playing onto her face. "i'll miss ya guys too, but remember i'll text, call and visit. and i'll tell ya guys if any of those girls over there are testing me." she laughed with her friends one last time, talking for a few more minutes before she had to actually go inside the airport to check in her things.

"where the hell is this man at? its been like, an hour," y/n slumped on a bench outside, her luggages and backpack waiting on the side while she continuously checked the time on her phone. groaning, she rests her eyes for a minute until a car loudly honked at her.

"cmon kiddo, get up now," a large, foreign man grinned down at the girl.

"uncle steven! its been a while, huh?" she grinned back, dabbing up her godfather who was one of her birth dad and step dad's closest friends. uncle steven left to south korea permanently about two years ago for some business with some other friends of his.

"you've gotten real big kiddo! and ive heard about yer little adventures, must be real fun. let me tell ya something though," y/n listened in, throwing her baggage into his trunk and hopping into the passenger seat. "if yer old man said ya cant 'fight' or anything here, you'll need to fight more than ya did back home. i wont tell yer dad either. i've got real connections here, and they're all like ya. and they can help ya get bigger, and stronger, and better than ever." the last words he said peaked her interest deeply.

"yer saying that i can do whatever i want here?"

"with some boundaries though. there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed, y/n."

"we're gonna visit one of me and yer old pa's friends for a bit. he's gotta son, ya guys could get along real well." uncle steven pulled up to a dojo, just a few cars parked in the front.

"why can't we go home or eat firsttt, i'm hungry." she whined as she frowned, crossing her arms and kicking her legs up on the dashboard. her uncle slapped her legs down, getting out the car after.

"nope. ya might remember him though, he came to visit a few years back."

"if it was a few years back i'm obviously not gonna remember, uncle steven. i barely even remember what i last ate. this jet lag is killing me.." she mentally facepalmed, getting out the car behind her uncle. uncle steven opened the building's door for her first, the doorbell jingling and signaling someone had entered.

"who's there?" a tall, built, and shirtless boy was inside, appearing sweaty and you could tell he was training by himself.

"wow, he's pretty." she whispered below her breath, smiling just a little.

"shush it. taehoon, where's yer father?" uncle steven asked, nudging his niece after her comment.

"he's in the back. i'll get him, give me a sec-"

"steven! how are you?" hansu said, his wrinkles crinkling as he had a cheerful, welcoming grin. "and y/n! do you remember me?"

"i don't, my bad."

"its alright! you've only last seen me when you were, maybe 10 years old." hansu clarified, y/n finally remembering.

"never mind, i remember now. i think i remember me and your son fighting in the sandbox." she peeked over at him from the side, watching him practice his kicks on the punching bag. they truly impressed her already, the way he jumped in the air was amazing. is this how people fought in korea? or maybe he was professional?

"that was so long ago, yes. i just wanted to welcome you here! its very nice out here, some parts will even remind you of home in a way." hansu said, his son walking over to go next to him. his son was taller than him by two inches, and basically a younger, more built version of him but you could still see the resemblance. y/n hadn't seen many attractive asian men, she never met a lot of them back in california. but wow, was taehoon attractive. he looked down at the girl, who was staring at him with a grin on her face. hansu and uncle steven had their own conversation at this point, leaving the two kids to their staring contest.

"what? you a fan or something?" taehoon asked, his hands on his hips sassily.

"nope. just a little curious," she looked him up and down cheekily. she backed up a little from him to examine him a bit more. his legs fitted his sweats like jeans, his blistered feet visible, and a couple of bruises and a few scratches here and there on his torso and arms that you could see. "do ya remember when we met?"

"no. i don't know you."

"are ya sureee?" she circled him a little, questioning the boy. now he started to think, slightly remembering. almost 9 years ago, when taehoon was 9 and y/n was 10, they had met back in the states when hansu had come to visit y/n's step-father. they didn't quite like each other, always arguing over little things like the little kids they were. it was hard to recognize her a bit, from the piercings, her clothing, her hair, the makeup she had on her face, even the visible tattoos you could see from her slightly revealing clothing. she aged into a physically mature woman, attractive to anyone she encountered.

"didn't you not like me because we fought in the sandbox at the playground and i would steal your ice cream when i visited you?" taehoon said, watching the girl walk around him curiously, looking around the dojo.

"you look super different."

"yeah, cause i was 10," she scoffed, hiding a small smile.

"enough chit-chatting lovebirds. me and y/n have to head out now, gotta unpack and get her ready and stuff." uncle steven said, dragging his niece out the dojo as hansu walked the two out and said his goodbyes to them. taehoon shrugged and went back to his normal training activities for the next hour or so.

"and here is yer room, and here's a spare key for the house. do whatever ya want, there's food in the fridge just don't eat it all. i have to go out and get something, and i'll order more food when i get back alright?"

"cool, bye now." she slammed the door on his face after getting her things, a muffled bye could be heard from outside as well as very loud footsteps walking away. the room was empty, other than the plain white bed, white desk, and tv hanging on the wall. this used to be a guest bedroom, but it was now y/n's room. she decorated a bit, hanging pictures up, setting up a desk mirror, and packing her clothes away in the walk in closet.

she walked downstairs to the kitchen, looking in her uncles fridge and finding a bunch of random drinks and snacks. she grabbed as many as she could grab, running back upstairs to her room and throwing everything on the desk. she propped her phone up against her mirror, dialing her group chat with her friends back in america.

"so guess what happened."

california girls tidbits

- y/n's stepfather, f/n, is who y/n considers to be her real father. her real father died a few months before she was born, and her step-father was introduced to her at 2 years old. her real father and step-father were close friends.

- y/n has been expelled from more than 4 schools since elementary school.

- y/n's real mother is also deceased, since she was 10, and she was legally put under f/n's custody. she doesn't mind that he's the one taking care of her since he has been since she was young.

- y/n, her stepfather, and uncle steven also have a odd accent when they talk so that explains why they talk weirdly and say ya and yer.

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