Chapter 2

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New Friend & Future Someone..?
(Minecraft PoV Only)

Cas's POV(Minecraft):

I finally got to the Admin HQ building after leaving my server. I did feel like I was being watched but then again I am slowly turning into a watcher meaning that it was probably normal then... I walked into the HQ to see that my wing was the actual size they were supposed to be, luckily any injury you have is what it is supposed to be like here or when near the prime admins. Sure I would let the admins heal my wings so I can use them, but I wanna be fair with those on my server who can't fly. I sighed as I walked into the meeting room I have to be in. I saw the admin XisumaVoid, who was the person who explained how these meets go when I first started, which was a year ago. XisumaVoid is one of the admins on Hermitcraft. I decided to sit in the area behind Xisuma as most winged admin hybrids tend to sit in the very back. "Hiya, Mr.Void!" I said. "Cassie, I thought I told you to just call me Xisuma, but hi how have you and your server been?" Xisuma said while turning his head to look at me."I've been doing good except for two nights ago my friend accidentally made over 20 charged creepers with her powers when trying to do a prank on one of the people on the server. Plus, the NPC version of me managed to get back on the server last night but I just sent it off to one of my friends." I said while looking away to look behind me as I thought something hit my ears and the feathers under my ears. "Oh yeah, you either made an NPC version or made a small robot pet that can be used as a therapy pet for your server. Also, Cas you doing ok cause there is no one behind you at all?" Xisuma said. I turned my head again and just nodded yes as I'm still concerned about what the heck hit my ears and the feathers under them.

Timeskip and also on Cas's server during the meeting


I was just checking the code while petting Lunar when I noticed that Anthony whispered help to me as he doesn't wanna keep building with NPC since he hates building. In my personal opinion, it's better for him than me as to what happened the first time I met NPC. I just told him that I couldn't deal with it and that it was his turn to do so. I'm still stressed about the fact I don't know when this transformation would start or not. It seemed creepy too that the Listeners said they would listen to everything I might say. The next thing I know, I see NPC and Anthony running toward Cas's house. Then all of a sudden I see that something stopped them from getting in just to see a green force field there. Anthony looked startled and confused and so was I. I then looked down to see that my left hand was glowing the same green color that was the forcefield. I then watch as Anthony keeps pounding on the forcefield to get in so he doesn't have to be with NPC. I then watch as NPC starts to drag Anthony back to his house so he can build more. I then tried to find a way to stop the green glow and the forcefield to only notice a book has appeared in front of me called "ꖎ╎ᓭℸ ̣ᒷリᒷ∷'ᓭ ⊣⚍ ╎↸ᒷ ⎓𝙹∷ リᒷ∴ ꖎ╎ᓭℸ ̣ᒷリᒷ∷'ᓭ(Listener's Guide for New Listener's)" I then read the book although it is in the same language that the signs and title of this book are called. I guess I am glad that the listeners made this easier for me to be able to understand this book at least. I then finally manage to get the forcefield to stop cause I just needed to calm down and I'll be fine. I then look in the mirror for a second to notice that my left eye has turned a tad bit of a darker blue, unlike the bright blue eyes that I have normally.

Back with Cas in the Admin HQ


"I have called this meeting as I wanted to let you know that the watchers have been extremely active lately. I have already contacted the Prime Listener and they have said that they already have a solution going on." The First Prime Admin said. "If any of you sees any watcher activity on your server, report it to us at that exact moment." The Second Prime Admin said while looking back down at their book. "Now let's start the normal 6-month meeting!" First Prime Admin said.

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