Chapter 36) Home

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"Anya, we've been walking for hours. Where are we going?" Y/N mumbles.


"Why not just kill me and get it over with?"

Anya turns around to face Y/N. "You can tell the commander what the mountain men are doing to us in there."

"So let's work together. We don't have to be enemies." She means it genuinely. She truly believes that the bigger threat is the Mountain men. "We both want the same thing."

Anya goes to speak but Y/N holds up her hand. "Shh. Get down." The drop to the ground and Anya looks behind her where, twenty feet below their incline, suited up Mountain guards are patrolling.

Y/N looks at Anya. "They found us. Run." She whispers.

A tranquilizer dart whizzes past her head into a tree and as they crawl by it, Y/N shoves it into her sleeve, careful to not pierce her skin.

She glances at the Grounder woman before her. Y/N now has the upper-hand. Anya just doesn't know it yet.
The two girls continue on. They have yet to run into Clarke and that worries Y/N slightly.

She trusts her sister and has a feeling she made it. Hopefully they can reunite and it'll all be okay.

Anya drags Y/N over to muddy water. Before Y/N can say anything, Anya scoops a handful of mud and slaps it onto Y/N's face.

"You reek. Cover yourself in it."

They both cover themselves in mud to mask their scents and help them blend in as they travel through the woods.

They continue walking but after a few minutes, Y/N spots the mountain men again. "How are they still following us?"

Anya grinds her teeth. "It's you. Time to end this."

Y/N holds up her tied together hands. "Anya, I am stepping where you step. I'm covered in mud. We're not leaving a trail."

Anya clenches her jaw. "They're following something."

Y/N thinks for a moment before an idea pops in her head. "They're not following us. They're tracking us. Search yourself. If I'm right, it should feel like a a small bump just under your skin."

Suddenly Anya pulls up her sleeve to reveal a bump.

Y/N nods. "It's you. Ok, I could remove it, but you need to untie my hands. I just need something sharp and sterile."

Anya doesn't hesitate as she leans her head over and bites down on her arm, ripping the tracking device out of her skin and spitting it onto the floor.

Blood dribbles down her chin. "I will not go back there."

Anya continues to lead Y/N towards wherever the commander is when Y/N notices an opportunity.

"You're still bleeding. At least let me bandage it before it gets infected."

Anya nods and turns around. She removes Y/N's ties who quickly takes the tranquilizer dart from earlier and stabs the woman in the neck with it.

She wraps the rope around Anya's hand as she collapses to the ground, eyes fluttering shut. "I can find my way home from here. Looks like you're my prisoner now."
Y/N drags Anya back towards the drop ship. When she gets there, she isn't greeted by anything but silence.

No Arkadians. No Finn. No Clarke. No Raven. No Bellamy.

She sighs until she notices some kind of message, faded on the side of the metal wall. She can see her name but everything else is too blurry to read.

Suddenly Anya stands from her original position on the floor. The ties on her hands have been removed. She starts to charge at Y/N who glances around and spots a knife laying amongst the rubble and skeletons.

She picks it up and dodges a punch from Anya. The two start to fight. Y/N somehow manages to knock Anya to her feet and she now kneels on top of her, knife in hand.

"I don't want to kill you."

Anya coughs. "You fought well."

Y/N looks up at the sky in desperation when she spots something. Something floating. "Do you see that? I knew it. He lied. My people are out there."

She stands and reaches her arm out for Anya. The woman takes it and the two head in the direction of the mysterious floating object.
It's dark now, by the time they reach what appears to be the Ark. Y/N's mind flashes back to the night of the Grounder attack when a sonic boom was heard and the Ark came crashing down to Earth.

She gasps in awe. "Look at that."

Anya's eyes widen. "How many are there?"

"I don't know. A lot, I hope." She pauses and looks over at Anya. "You should go. Our only chance against Mount Weather is if we fight together. To beat them, we'll need our technology and your knowledge of this world. I know my people will help. The question is, will yours?"

"The commander was my second. I can get an audience." The two shake hands and Anya starts to walk further into the woods when a gunshot rings out.

Anya collapses to the floor. Y/N gasps. "Anya!" She runs over to the woman, as another gunshot rings out, grazing her own arm.

Anya was hit directly in the chest. She sputters up blood. "Braid. My braid." She whispers.

Y/N shakes her head. "Stay with me. Stay with me."

Anya coughs again and whispers. "Ai gonplei ste odon."

Y/N pauses. She remembers hearing that before. Something about a fight. A fight being over?

Y/N sighs. She said 'My fight is over.' She pulls her knife out and gently cuts the braid out of Anya's hair. She doesn't know what she's meant to do with it, but she puts it in her pocket.

Suddenly a walkie is heard and a guard speaks into it. "Shot two more. Alpha team's got two Grounders down."

One of the Ark guards, knocks Y/N out and the two carry her into the gates of what is called: Camp Jaha.

Y/N's vision is blurry as she starts to regain consciousness. They think she's a Grounder.

"Move, move, move!" One of them shouts.

Another guard grips Y/N's arm tighter. "One prisoner in custody."

Another shouts. "We got to get her to medical!"

Suddenly a woman walks up and crouches down to Y/N. "Wait."

A woman's voice is heard. "Once the prisoner is secure, ma'am."

The other voice speaks again. "That's not a prisoner. That's my daughter." She reaches up and holds Y/N's face. Y/N opens one eye to see someone she never thought she would see again.


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