CH.X Broken Towers

Start from the beginning

A short time passed and everyone of importance was seated in the covered area while the smallfolk were packing more and more in the open galleries, servants were going around and placing various wreaths next to every lady. The crowds were cheering and screaming for the games to start, and so, Viserys stood up and raised his arm, waving to the crowd. "Welcome everyone to the first day of games before the royal wedding! Now I can see you all at the edge of your seats filled with anticipation, so to that I say, let the games begin!" Viserys swung his arm down and the trumpets rang everyone Applauding as a score of mounted knights poured in the arena.

Everyone had their eyes fixed on them but Y/N could not shake the feeling of someone starting at her, without turning around to check, she remembered the metal map she made of everyone's seating, and then it clicked, Alicent would be in direct line of her, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging her staring, Y/N only coiled her arm around Aegon's smiling triumphantly to herself.

Down in the arena, all knights were lined up, the announcer gesturing for the crowd to quiet down "For the first match, Ser Willis fell going against Loras Redwyne!" The first competitors take their place on each side of the fence, gripping their lances tight before kicking their horses simultaneously, both getting closer dangerously fast, their lances crashing on each other's shields, both knights remaining saddled as they reach the opposite side. The crowd gasps and then cheers and applauds the knights.

Squires hurrying to bring forth new lances, both horses neighing and stomping in place before taking off once more, this time, when lances collided, ser Willis's lance splintered to the hilt, while the impact of ser Loras's lance knocked him off his horse, thus the first victory of the day goes to house Redwyne. The royal family all applaud the young knight as he bows his head in gratitude before going back to the rest of the knights.

The second match is between ser Arthur Roxton and Steffon Bracken, but before the knights took their place, Steffon Bracken approached the gallery Alicent was smiling as she anticipated the knight to ask for the bride-to-be's favor "It would be my utmost honor if I were to bear your favor, lady Y/N" Y/N froze for a second as this was the first time a knight would ask for her favor in a tourney, but without much hesitation she stood up giving Aegon a smirk before grabbing her favor and walking to the edge "It would be my pleasure ser Steffon" Y/N placed it on the lance letting it fall down till it stopped at the hilt. "I wish you the best of luck" Steffon bowed his head "With your favor, there is not a single man that can beat me" Y/N chuckled as she turned around and walked back to her seat, but not before she locked eyes with Alicent and Aemond. Alicent was looking like she was close to burst a blood vessel while Aemond stared at her without blinking, his arm was in a sling due to yesterday's fight. Y/N gave them a mocking half smile.

"If I didn't know better I would say there is something between you and ser Steffon" Said Aegon as he handed Y/N her cup "Not a chance, he's not you" replied Y/N before she took a sip of her wine. Aegon laughed "Five dragons on Roxton" taking out the coins from his pocket and placed them on the small table in front of them, Jace followed as well "Five on Bracken from me, no way he losses, not with Y/N's favor " Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed , leaning towards Baela who was sitting next to Jace "My money's on Bracken as well, just look at him, he's double the size of that poor Roxton" Both of them giggling when Aegon and Jace kept bidding against themselves until the horses started running.

First pass, no impact, the crowd booing. The second lap, the horses running even faster, this time it was an impact, both Aegon and Jace almost jumping from their seats when the wood flew in every direction, still the knights did not buckle or yield. Aegon slammed his hand on the arm chair at the evident tie. It was the third and final tilt, the knights waited for a few moments allowing both their horses to settle down, in this time Aegon and Jace doubled their bets and were now half standing from their seats, waiting to see who will be richer today.

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