Meeting | 1 |

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 Yongbokkie Hyung 

Yongbokkie Hyung :

Jeonginnnnnnnn, I'm so boredddd.

 Wanna get coffee with your favourite hyung? :D

IN :

Not right now Hyung.

 I need to finish Mr. Choi's homework he set for creative arts.

Maybe after?

Yongbokkie Hyung : 

Aww.. T-T

Wait, aren't you planning to become a kindergarten teacher???-

Why are you so into creative arts these days???


Yes Hyung, I am planning to become a Kindergarten teacher.

But creative arts lets me relax my mind a bit, now please leave me alone hyung.

The homework is due tomorrow, so I really need to get it done.

I'll get coffee with you later Hyung, after I'm done, I promise.

Yongbokkie Hyung

That's what you said yesterday too. 

Eh, whatever IN-ah. It's fine! You carry on doing your little things..-----

I'm going to find friends online to hang out with

Cya IN!!! <3


Wait what- 


I don't think that's a good idea hyung


Yongbokkie hyung?

ugh you never listen..

*Seen at 1:26pm*


'Pshhh. IN-ah doesn't have any time for me anymore ever since he re-did his last year of college to become a teacher.. Ugh, what am I gonna do now..' Felix rummaged through groups of people who were a possible friend on his insta. And after a few hours of looking, 6 boys caught his attention.


| ~ Felix Navidad added Matey , CatButler , ILoveDarkeu , Prince  , _Quokka   , MyDay_6  and  Maknae.On.Top  to the group ~ |

[ Bestiessss (??) ~~~~ ]

Felix Navidad :

Hello potential friends ! <3

I'm here to make some friends!!

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