Beomgyu started telling Yeonjun about what happened but no matter how much he listens when he heard Park Hansol's name, that's it. That's all what he needs to hear.

"I-I... I should have tell you about it too but Soobin's not letting me because I thought we're going to find solution together but... but it's just so sudden," Beomgyu cried.

Yeonjun remains still, studying Soobin's state while his fist is hard as rock. "It's my fault," he stated. "I let him and didn't saw it through him," he added. "How's his condition?"

Beomgyu sniffs and sighs. "He was fine when we brought him here but suddenly his vitals dropped, he lost so much blood and his head was badly hurt and... and that causes... t-that," he paused to bit his lip and calm himself. "He falls into coma."

Yeonjun closed his eyes forcefully and breaths then nods. "Where's Mrs. Choi?" he asked instead.

"She'll just—"

"I have something to tell her," Yeonjun interrupted.

Beomgyu guided him and when Yeonjun opens the door and Soobin's mom saw him, he received a slap from her. "H-how... how dare you!"

Yeonjun looks down and speaks, "Ma'am... I've been dating your son for couple of months now. We are so happy together and we planned to tell you about it but this happened. I-I'm really sorry for letting this happened to your son. I didn't protect him at all... I'm so sorry," Yeonjun explained and apologized.

"Listen here, Choi Yeonjun. I accepted you as his friend and trusted you but you hurt him. He then started dating you using Beomgyu as excused and even if I knew something's going on, I let him because he looks so happy. I trusted you once again! But this... but this is unforgiveable, Yeonjun!"

"Y-yes ma'am. I understand. "I'll take care of him from now on—"

"I want you to leave my son."

Yeonjun looks up and meet the lady's stares. "Yes? W-why? N-no... I can't—"

"Leave Soobin alone, Choi Yeonjun! If you truly love my son he won't get hurt because of you! Look at what you've done! Stay away from him! You're no good for him! You just keep on hurting him and you never really cared for him!"

Yeonjun gasps, doesn't know what to react. He just felt his tears streaming down. His lips are shaking. He can't take what the lady just throw at him, those words stabs him.

He never really cared? He's hurting him? He's harming him? Since when? Since from the start? Right. Yeonjuns's been hurting Soobin eversince the first time they saw each other. It's Soobin all along who really cares for him.

Yeonjun walks out from the room and saw Beomgyu waiting in front of it. "You never love him, Yeonjun. All along, it's just Soobin who loves you," Beomgyu stated. "Please, I hope this'll be the last time."

"I should have said I love him that night," Yeonjun muttered under his breath. "I'm so fucked up," he cried and slap his face.

"I always knew you're not going to change. Yeonjun, stop this now. Please for Soobin's sake, leave him," Beomgyu added.

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