Chapter 25

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“So you were a top, right?”

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“So you were a top, right?”

Soobin hums while nodding, “Yeah but didn’t really feel it,” he replied.

“Who is he? You bottomed?” Yeonjun asked again.

Both are inside Soobin’s room, the lights are dim, Soobin’s sitting on his bed while leaning against the wall and facing Yeonjun who’s on his chair. Two are across each other.

“A-an old friend, it was a really honest mistake so it only happens once. T-then some couple of girls in our old school,” Soobin answered, remembering shits on his head.

“Was it good?” Yeonjun asked again still in his unfazed face and calm tone, sounds like he’s interrogating the other.

“Kinda, it feels fun but something’s wrong,” Soobin replied.

“Because you’re a bottom,” Yeonjun stated. “You like being dominated and being under by someone, right?”

“I-I just realized it sooner when I was being with you,” Soobin whispered, playing with his fingers.

“Are you a masochist? Are you getting aroused whenever I’m saying shits and degrading you? Do you like that?” Yeonjun questioned.

“N-no? I… I don’t know actually. Sometimes it feels fun or maybe I’m just used to it already? Sometimes I’m annoyed but I’ll still do what you want since I can feel your authority over me. It’s just so fucked up, you know?” Soobin stated in confusion.

“I see,” Yeonjun smirks and slides his index finger on his lower lip, as if he’s thinking. “I want to know more about you, Soobin. Can you tell me a story?”

“A-about what? There’s nothing much to tell though?”

“There is. There are a lot. Tell me about your old school or shits in your life, I don’t care,” Yeonjun replied.

“M-my old school? I-I was quiet the popular in there because… because of my parents, of course—“

“Were you a topdog in there?”

“No! I don’t fight— I don’t use such connections to pull some strings and be great at anyone’s eyes. I just stood in there, greet if I want, smile if I’m in the mood, but most of the time I’m quiet. I j-just observe things,” Soobin tells.

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