24: Last Tango in Buenos Aires

Start from the beginning

"One misstep and we have to start all over again. Get it right, and you relieve the next travel tip," Emma read, so we quickly got a taxi and it drove us to the Academy. As we raced out of the cars we were met with all the other teams. When we got inside we saw the instructor dancing with a partner. I looked at Kristen her nervous glance said it all. But I gave her a confident smile and held a thumb's up for her. This made her smile instead.

Confessional: Marnie and Kristen:

"Having had ten and twelve years of rhythmic gymnastics has made both of us pretty coordinated so hopefully this challenge will be easier," I said.

"True, but the Ice Dancers are gonna be a massive threat, and dancing isn't the same as gymnastics." Kristen said, still worried.

End confessional

Kristen POV:

So, we were up first and began the routine. After walking together for a bit we separated and clapped. Then Marnie took my hand and spun me around for a bit. As I was just starting to get dizzy, she grabbed me and we dipped. As the judge was thinking and looking at us I felt Marnie stumble she lost her balance before she fell on top of me.

"OW!" I exclaimed.

"OOF!" She said, The judge dismissed us and we knew we had to restart. Bugger! And things were going well too. Emma and Kitty went next but were stopped when Kitty accidentally trod on Emma's toes. 

"OWW!" Emma cried. Next up were the Ice Dancers and they finished their routine so quickly and so well that they even managed to impress the judge he clapped in amazement. While us others glared at them and muttered angry words while they headed off.

"Good luck catching up!" Josee cackled on her way out. The Cadets were up next.

"We're not graceful like Jacques and Josee so we've got to bring some serious energy to this, agreed?" Sanders asked.

"Eight-hundred percent," Macarthur agreed. The two of them then separated and began to do a really bad dance. And well, let's just say the glute training had really paid off for Macarthur. I pushed my hand over Marnie's eyes and as the rest of us looked on and cringed at what was happening. Suddenly,

"AND DIIP!!!" Macarthur yelled before she literally spun herself toward Sanders but accidentally crushed both the judge and her partner. The pair of them groaned both in pain.

"Crud," Macarthur said. Carrie and Devin were the last ones up for the first tries and things were going surprisingly well. Devin then spun Carrie around and as she spun he ran over to a table with roses he plucked one out of the vase and put it in his teeth. To end things romantically with a kiss, he ran back to the spinning Carrie. He dipped her before he spat out the rose. But right as he leaned down to kiss her, he accidentally head-butted her in the nose. The rest of us cringed again.

"Ooh, right in the old sniffer," Macarthur said.

"Yup, that's gonna leave a mark," I added. They were also dismissed by the judge and Carrie ran off, clutching her nose while Devin ran after her.

"I'll get some tissues," he said. As we were up again we'd agreed I would be the one to dip because we both knew Marnie wouldn't be able to hold me up. We started up the routine again and things were going well as we got to the spin, I took Marnie's hand and spun her, she flew into the wall and ended up smashing through a window. And it left a perfect Marnie-sized hole in the window. We heard Marnie scream before she hit the ground, everyone cringed.

"OH MOTHER OF- OOOW!!" We heard an angry voice come from outside the academy. 

"You're not gonna ask us to get you a new window?" I asked nervously smiling at the judge who glared and proceeded to dismiss us once again. Emma and Kitty were up again but once more failed with the walking step as Kitty accidentally fell on top of Emma. Sanders and Macarthur went again, but this time instead of bringing too much energy to the dance. They walked, no sorry, they ran around too quickly, and Macarthur was screaming the entire time.

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