Episode 7: A Tisket, a Casket, I'm Gonna Blow a Gasket

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Marnie POV:
"Last week's chill zone was here on Copacabana beach. Which is the starting point of today's race. Leaving first will be the Daredevils!" Don said, as Kristen stepped up to the Don box and got us a tip.

Marnie and Kristen (confessional):
"Coming in first was a bit of a shock and making things even better is the fact that the Ice Dancers came in second," I laughed.

"Totally! We're planning to come in first again today," Kristen said, before we hi-fived.

End confessional

Kristen then took the tip from the Don box and gave it to me. I read the tip:

"Make your way to Dracula's castle in Transylvania," I read as Kristen cringed. We then read we had to ride a shuttle bus to get to the airport. Somehow the Ice Dancers got in front of us cheering:

"First place! First place First place!" This was until all of the other teams also arrived and we were all gonna use the same bus to get to the airport. Walking past the scowling Ice Dancers we sat down behind Geoff and Brody. The shuttle bus then drove us to the airport. Luckily we were first in line for the ticket register. We got the tickets, hi-fived, but while waiting for the surfers we saw Stephanie being thrown to the front by Ryan.

"HEADS!" Kristen yelled as everyone else ducked down, Stephanie smashed into the clerk and broke his monitor.

Marnie and Kristen (confessional):
"This girl is turning into Josee 2.0," I said as Kristen nodded her head.

End Confessional

Kristen POV:
Being among one of the first nine teams, we got onto flight number one it took a while and I spent it continuing to study for med school while Marnie spent the flight listening to Teighler Zip. But soon enough we touched down in Romania after the eleven hour flight. We ran into the dark atmosphere and as if on cue there was rain, thunder, and lightning. Looking up at the castle I gripped Marnie really tightly. Okay, even though I'm mostly fearless when it comes to things like skydiving. I cannot handle abandoned castles or haunted houses.

Marnie and Kristen (confessional):
"When I was eleven me and my friends went to a haunted house, at an amusement park. Trouble is when we got there I was so terrified by one of the actors that, I got my hair stuck in some of the cobwebs there. And to make things even worse one of the spiders in the cobweb crawled into my ear! It took the doctor five years to get it out!" I screamed before hanging my head ashamed, as Marnie patted my shoulder.

End Confessional

"Kris let me go!" Marnie said, pushing herself out of my powerful grip. Suddenly, Brody jumped into Marnie's arms and she nearly toppled over. While the Goths were absolutely mesmerised by the castle.

"Wow," Crimson exclaimed. We then had to race on foot to the castle, the whole way Marnie was pulling me because the castle was scarier than any school deadline, haunted house, or dare I could've ever imagined. The Cadets raced ahead and I couldn't help but smile at Sanders even with rain running down her face. She was still beautiful. Suddenly we saw Josee push Sanders over, she fell backwards knocking over the Father & Son team. Right before Marnie pushed me in front of herself and I ended up catching Sanders. The two of us looked at each other and we blushed hard.

"Officer down! Shots fired!" Macarthur yelled before she tackled the Ice Dancers.

"You gonna be okay?" I asked Sanders.

"Yeah, yeah go ahead," she said. I hesitated I really didn't wanna go toward the evil castle. Marnie came up to us.

"Hey! Kris! We have a challenge to complete!" Marnie took my wrist and started to pull me to the top of the hill.

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