12- stay with me please

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Eziel's Pov

Alina and I finished eating and just sat there talking and laughing for a couple of hours, maybe two

I'm so happy we were able to talk, the biggest fucking smile formed on my face when I saw her call in the morning, my heart started beating like crazy. She makes me nervous but in a good way, but makes me feel calm too.

She's currently walking around my room with the baggy ass pants I gave her, she looks adorable in my clothes, I should fill her closet with my stuff, i'll keep it in mind for the next time I go. She's reading the same book she read last time because she wasn't able to finish it, her cheeks redden and she giggled slightly under her breath once in a while making me smile while just staring at her

I would tease her a little bit because of it, but I don't wanna make her uncomfortable, so i'm just suppressing all the thoughts of what I could be doing to her right now. I'm gonna try and not do anything until she makes a move, but I think that'll take a while since she's so shy. I just don't want anything to happen like last time, really don't wanna make her go through that again

I don't like not talking with her

So i'm just gonna avoid everything that could make her uncomfortable until she looks ready

sounds like a good plan.

She's a fast reader, it looks like shes on the end already, which is surprising to me because I never finish books that quick. Probably because I get distracted and not read for days and just be in bed and do nothing, which probably sounds boring to everyone but i'm used to it it's not something that bothers me, I like doing nothing and being by myself

until now, suddenly I wanna take her out and see the sunlight reflecting on her pretty face, her hair blowing with the wind, I wanna do better for her

Alina closes the book and stares at me with a slight smile on her face, I go up to her and she looks up to me with confusion on her face. I bend down a bit and pick her by her thighs, her legs around my torso she puts her head on my shoulder and I take us to bed, we lay together with her on top of me, my fingers playing with her hair

I bring her head up to look at me and I kiss her forehead, she laughs lowly and gets closer to my face, my breath hitches and she pecks me so softly I could barely feel it.

But I did feel it, heat rushes to my face and body, while she just blushes and puts her head back on my neck.

I touch around my bed trying to feel my phone, 'What are you doing?' Alina asks in a low voice, she sounds tired

'I'm looking for my phone baby' I reply and just sigh and stop 'we can find it later it's okay leo' she says reassuringly, she's so cute oh my god

'But i wanna know how much time we have left' I complain again and she puts her head up and shushes me with her finger, my eyebrow raises at her action and I roll my eyes, she thinks she's scary or sum

She lays back down and I feel her heavy breathing, leaving me to think she's falling asleep 'Baby?' she hums barley awake

'Stay with me, please?' I ask scared she'll say no and get uncomfortable, 'what about your dad?' alina asks confused

'What about him?' I have never mentioned him, i'm surprised she hadn't asked earlier

' um i don't know? doesn't he live here, what if he comes and sees me?'

I shrug my shoulders 'let him see you i don't care, I haven't seen him in a week don't worry' I reassure her and keep playing with her hair.

She nods and stays silent, i'm sure she has more questions and will ask later, or is simply waiting till I say more.

'So' she picks up her head and looks at me 'I can stay?' she asks and stares at me

'Yea you can stay, i wouldn't have asked if you couldn't love' I smile slightly and stare at everything on her beautiful face.

She gets her phone and sits on top of me, my eyes widen and hope my dick doesn't get hard

it'll definitely get hard i don't know what i was expecting

she calls her brother and waits impatiently for him to answer

after a couple rings he picks up the call, her eyes widen and she makes eye contact with me 'go on' I mouth to her and she nods

'Hi my beautiful best brother in the world' she says with her nail in her mouth nervous

she rolls her eyes to whatever he answered 'i wanted to ask you something gray'

'so um, could i possibly stay at leo's house for tonight? I promise i'll be good'

he says some things and she looks at me with a sorry expression 'he wants to talk to you leo' I nod and signal her to pass me the phone

'yes sir?' I say respectfully

'no funny business you hear me? she's still young you gotta treat her good and don't be stupid' he says with a stern voice, maybe supposed to get me scared or something

'I know don't worry she's gonna be safe, goodnight sir' I didn't wait for him to reply and I hung up

'What did he say what did he say' Alina says excitedly and does a little bounce, my hands quickly go to her hips to stop her

I really don't wanna get embarrassed right now

'You're staying with me love'  my hands sat on her hips while my thumbs caressed them, she screeches happily and hugs me with her arms wrapped on my neck

'We should do something leo' she sits up again on me 'yeah?' she nods and gets up

'I don't wanna get up' I complain and she rolls her eyes at me

'Cmon please' she tries to pull me up and obviously fails

I smirk at how cute she is and stand up, it'll be impossible for her to get me up so why make her struggle

I tower over her and smiles up at me, you know when something is so cute you just wanna bite it

I grab her face with both my hands and kiss her forehead hard, 'leo!' she scolds me and her nose scrunches up and she giggles

'what do you wanna do?' 

'wanna get icecream baby?' I ask her and alina's eyes sparkle up at my request

'i will never say no to icecream, let's go pls'

I go put a shirt on and we go outside, she goes to my bike so I guess she wants to go on it. I grab her a helmet and put mine on, she's already smiling excitedly and gets close behind me, her arms wrapped around my waist holding me tight

I start up the motorcycle and drive towards the cute icecream place from last time

I see it as our place now, I think of her every time I see it

I wanna make more memories with her in it, I want her to be the only thing in my mind.

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